집 애완동물을 위한 최고의 개 품종
어린이 및 가족을 위한 10가지 최고의 개 품종
노인 및 노인을 위한 16가지 최고의 개 품종
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27명의 수의사 및 애완동물 전문가가 어린이를 위한 최고의 개 품종을 공유합니다

네 발 달린 친구와 함께 가족을 확장할 생각을 하고 있습니까? 자녀가 있는 경우 자녀와 잘 어울리기로 잘 알려진 견종을 선택하는 것이 중요합니다. 결국, 키가 크든 작든 가족 구성원 모두가 개 주변에서 편안함을 느껴야 하며 그 반대의 경우도 마찬가지입니다. 아이들이 강아지와 물장난을 하거나 매일 식사 준비를 도와줄 때 걱정할 필요가 없습니다.

그러나 견인할 자녀가 있는 경우 어떤 개 품종이 가족에게 가장 좋은지 알기가 어려울 수 있습니다. 가족의 요구 사항에 잘 맞지 않는 품종을 선택하면 문제가 발생할 수 있습니다. 예를 들어, 자녀와 개는 서로 연결하는 데 어려움을 겪을 수 있습니다. 당신의 생활 방식도 중요한 역할을 하지만 인내심과 장난기가 많은 품종은 어린 자녀가 있는 가족에게 종종 적합합니다. 예를 들어, 에너지가 넘치고 많은 운동이 필요한 견종은 야외에서 뛰고 놀 수 있는 공간을 쉽게 구할 수 없는 대도시의 아파트에 사는 가족에게 최선의 선택이 아닐 수 있습니다.

아이들을 위한 최고의 개 품종을 선택할 때 고려해야 할 많은 사항이 있습니다. 가족의 필요에 가장 적합한 개 품종을 결정하는 데 도움이 되도록 수의사, 사육사, 애완동물 전문가, 애완동물 블로거 패널에게 연락하여 다음 질문에 답하도록 요청했습니다.

"어린이를 위한 최고의 개 품종은 무엇이며 그 이유는 무엇입니까?"

수의사, 사육사 및 애완동물 전문가 패널을 만나보세요:

  • 데비 맥키
  • 벤 팀
  • Sara Redding Ochoa, DVM
  • 짐 D 칼슨 DVM CVA CVTP
  • 리란 부코프자
  • 리사 테리올트
  • 에린 스콧
  • 잭 데이비드
  • 애슐리 제
  • 제이미 토마스
  • 박사. Joe Alcorn, MS, D.V.M.
  • 조디 안데르센
  • 박사. 킴 하다드
  • 제시카 제이크, PMP
  • 제레미 탈라만테스
  • 레베카 브리지스
  • 로베르타 글라이허
  • 리사 버니어
  • 켈리 리브스
  • 콜린 스틴치컴
  • 첼시 리베라
  • 제니퍼 로벳
  • 데인 콜바바
  • 니콜 엘리스
  • 조나단 로즈
  • 해리 하얏트
  • 숀 호스테터

어린이를 위한 최고의 견종(소형 및 대형)에 대해 전문가들이 말한 내용을 자세히 알아보려면 계속 읽으십시오.

<시간 />

27명의 수의사 및 애완동물 전문가가 어린이를 위한 최고의 개 품종을 공유합니다데비 맥키


Debi McKee는 위탁 개 엄마이자 두 마리의 상주 개와 세 아이의 엄마입니다. 그녀는 구조견에 대한 열렬한 지지자이며, 그녀의 지역 개 구조 및 인도적 사회를 위해 자원봉사를 하고 있습니다. Rescue Dogs 101의 제작자인 그녀는 모든 단계에서 구조견을 입양하고 키우는 사람들의 여정을 안내합니다.

"견종보다 개 개개인의 성격과 에너지 수준을 보는 것이 더 중요합니다..."

거의 모든 개 품종은 아이들과 잘 어울립니다. 견종에 상관없이 침착하고 참을성 있는 가족견을 찾는 것이 우선입니다.

<시간 />

27명의 수의사 및 애완동물 전문가가 어린이를 위한 최고의 개 품종을 공유합니다벤 팀


Ben은 K9 of Mine의 선임 콘텐츠 편집자이며 성인기의 대부분을 야생 동물 교육자 및 동물 보호 전문가로 일하면서 보냈습니다. Ben은 수백 종의 다양한 종과 함께 일할 기회가 있었지만 그가 가장 좋아하는 동물은 항상 개였습니다.

"어린이(및 그 가족)가 다른 방식을 고려할 때 모든 어린이에게 이상적인 단일 품종을 선택하는 것은 어렵습니다..."

특히 민감한 아이는 Cavalier King Charles Spaniel과 같은 매우 순한 품종이 필요할 수 있으며, 여러 명의 자녀를 둔 크고 바쁜 가족은 비글과 같이 에너지가 넘치고 돌이킬 준비가 된 개에게 더 적합할 수 있습니다. Doberman Pinscher와 같이 비교적 온순한 작업 품종 중 하나가 훌륭한 선택이 될 수 있는 상황을 상상할 수도 있습니다.

하지만 대부분의 아이들에게 잘 맞는 한 가지 품종을 선택하라고 강요한다면 골든 리트리버와 논쟁하기 어려울 것입니다.

골든 리트리버는 개가 원하는 모든 특성을 가지고 있습니다. 지능적이고, 친절하고, 다정하고, 온화하고, 장난기 많습니다. 또한 상대적으로 훈련하기 쉽고 주인과 빠르게 유대감을 형성합니다.

이 개는 꽤 많이 털갈이를 할 수 있고 또한 많은 운동이 필요합니다. 그러나 이러한 개들이 거래를 방해하지 않는다면 골든 리트리버는 가족을 위한 완벽한 선택이 될 것입니다.

골든 리트리버와 상당히 유사한(좀 더 야비한 경우) 래브라도 리트리버에게 경의를 표합니다.

<시간 />

27명의 수의사 및 애완동물 전문가가 어린이를 위한 최고의 개 품종을 공유합니다DVM 사라 레딩 오초아

Sara Redding Ochoa, DVM은 2015년에 St. George's University에서 수의학 박사 학위를 취득했습니다. 수의학 학교 이후로 그녀는 텍사스 동부의 작은 동물 및 이국적인 동물 병원에서 일해 왔으며 그곳에서 다양한 동물을 치료한 경험이 있습니다. 동물. 그녀는 현재 DogLab.com의 자문 위원회에 있습니다.

"실험실은 아이들에게 최고의 개 중 하나입니다..."

그들은 일반적으로 집에서 활동적인 아이들을 따라갈 수 있을 만큼 충분한 에너지를 가지고 있으며 일반적으로 많은 건강 문제가 없습니다. 또한 누군가 실수로 밟아도 쉽게 다치지 않을 만큼 큽니다.

<시간 />

27명의 수의사 및 애완동물 전문가가 어린이를 위한 최고의 개 품종을 공유합니다짐 칼슨

Jim Carlson, DVM CVA CVTP는 일리노이주 McHenry에 위치한 Riverside Animal Clinic &Holistic Center의 소유주이자 전체론적 수의사입니다.

"친절한 골든 리트리버는 내가 절대적으로 좋아하는 가족 개입니다..."

가족을 부양하면서 두 마리를 소유한 후, 나는 이 품종에 일주일 중 아무 때나 투표할 것입니다. 단맛, 활동 수준 및 진정한 충성심의 조합을 다른 품종과 비교할 수 없으며 이러한 특성으로 인해 Goldens는 최고의 가족 선택입니다.

래브라도 리트리버는 또한 훌륭한 가족 애완동물이 되며 가족 친화적인 선택에 있어 골든 리트리버 다음으로 가깝습니다.

<시간 />

27명의 수의사 및 애완동물 전문가가 어린이를 위한 최고의 개 품종을 공유합니다리란 부코프자

Li-ran은 호기심 많은 개 주인에게 영감을 주고 교육하기 위해 고안된 개 조언 웹사이트인 PuppyTip의 설립자입니다.

"모든 연령대의 어린이에게 최고의 개 품종은 틀림없이 비글입니다..."

이 작은 크기의 개는 확실히 개성이나 귀여움이 부족하지 않으며, 사랑하는 사람들과 회사를 보내는 데 절대적으로 번창합니다. 또한, 에너지 수준이 높기 때문에 아이들이 끊임없이 달리고 노는 것을 따라갈 수 있습니다.

비글이 때때로 약간 시끄러울 수 있고 적절하게 감독되지 않으면 방황하는 경향이 있는 것이 사실이지만, 주변에 아이들이 있으면 집에서 가깝게 지내는 데 필요한 교제를 제공합니다.

비글은 원래 작은 사냥감으로 사육되었지만 공격적이지는 않습니다. 그들의 활기차고 평온한 성격은 어린 아이들에게 훌륭한 놀이 친구가 됩니다. 이 견종에게는 달리고 놀 수 있는 충분한 기회가 절대적으로 필요하므로 자녀가 지쳐 버릴까 걱정할 필요가 없습니다. 사실 그 반대의 경우도 있을 수 있습니다!

비글은 최대 약 20파운드, 키가 약 1피트인 경향이 있습니다. 이 컴팩트한 크기는 아이들과 완벽한 동반자가 되며 격렬한 놀이 시간에 실수로 아이들을 넘어뜨리거나 실수로 다칠 가능성이 적다는 것을 의미합니다.

<시간 />

27명의 수의사 및 애완동물 전문가가 어린이를 위한 최고의 개 품종을 공유합니다리사 테리오트


Lisa Ariault는 잘 연구된 개 건강 관리 정보를 제공하는 웹사이트 Your Dog's Health Matters의 설립자입니다.

"어린이를 위한 최고의 개 품종은 포르투갈 물개입니다..."

포루투갈 물개는 친절하고, 인내심이 강하고, 충성스럽고, 순종적이며, 매우 지능적입니다. 포르투기저 워터독은 부드럽고 뭉툭한 컬을 가지고 있으며 털이 빠지지 않도록 사육됩니다. 이 개는 알레르기가 있는 사람에게 적합합니다.

그들은 하이킹을 하고, 자전거를 따라 달리고, 아이들이 노는 것을 지켜보고, 어린 아이들과 영유아를 만지거나 찌르는 것을 꽤 좋아합니다. 오바마 대통령은 가족을 위해 포르투갈 워터도그를 키웠습니다.

수컷과 암컷은 평균 체중과 키가 거의 같으며 수컷이 약간 더 큽니다. 이 개는 50파운드 이상으로 자라고 다리가 길다. 상당히 크지만 이 개는 다루기가 매우 쉽습니다. 그들은 목줄에 잘 반응하고 빠르게 명령을 배웁니다.

이 개는 개에 대한 경험이 있는 사람들과 가장 잘 지낼 수 있지만 거래를 차단하는 것은 아닙니다. 온 가족이 참여할 수 있는 강아지 행동 및 훈련 프로그램이 셀 수 없이 많습니다.

하루가 끝나면 이것은 집에서 행복하게 장난감을 공유하고 때때로 머리카락을 잡아 당기는 것을 참아 주면서 아기를 주시 할 것입니다. 아기가 이따금 유아용 식사 의자에서 약간의 음식을 던지려고 애쓴다면, 당신은 아기가 대접받기를 좋아하기 때문에 평생 동안 매우 충성스러운 품종을 갖게 될 것입니다.

<시간 />

27명의 수의사 및 애완동물 전문가가 어린이를 위한 최고의 개 품종을 공유합니다에린 스콧

Erin Scott은 SparkPaws의 편집자입니다.

"골든 리트리버는 충성스럽고, 믿음직스럽고, 친절하고, 우호적입니다..."

그들은 최고의 가족 개 품종 중 하나로 알려져 있습니다. 그들은 아이들에게 좋을 수 있는 많은 신체 활동을 필요로 하는 빠른 학습자입니다. 그들은 어린 아이들에게 매우 달콤하고 온화하며 많이 짖지 않습니다. 그러나 골든 리트리버는 사나운 대형견이기 때문에 실수로 어린 아이를 넘어뜨릴 수 있습니다. 그 외에는 의심할 여지 없이 최고 중 하나입니다.

<시간 />

27명의 수의사 및 애완동물 전문가가 어린이를 위한 최고의 개 품종을 공유합니다잭 데이비드


Zach는 Beyond The Treat의 수석 편집자입니다. 그는 평생 애완 동물 소유자이자 애호가입니다. 그는 Murphy라는 개와 함께 한 가정에서 태어났고 그 이후로 다른 여러 개, 쥐, 흰 족제비, 물고기, 도마뱀붙이, 도롱뇽, 독거미, 고양이를 키웠습니다.

"아이들에게 가장 좋은 견종을 고를 때 골든 리트리버와 함께 가야 할텐데..."

이것은 많은 사람들이 줄 수 있는 진부한 대답처럼 보일 수 있지만, 이유가 있는 진부한 답변입니다. 골든 리트리버는 지능, 사랑 능력, 가족의 생활 방식에 적응하는 능력으로 인해 최고의 가족견 중 하나로 자주 정의됩니다.

어렸을 때 나는 모든 연령, 크기, 매너리즘의 골든 리트리버와 함께 있었습니다. 저나 제 젊은 친구들과 형제 자매들에게 불쾌했던 것은 하나도 기억나지 않습니다. 아이들은 개 주변에서 너무 거칠고 사나운 것처럼 상황에 가장 적합하지 않은 방식으로 행동할 수 있습니다. 가족 개를 선택할 때 예측할 수 없고 "나쁜" 행동이 발생할 때마다 이를 쉽게 처리할 수 있는 개를 선택하는 것이 중요합니다. 골든 리트리버는 마치 아이들이 결백하고 때로는 무방비 상태임을 이해하는 것처럼 성가심에 대한 강력한 능력이 있음을 거듭거듭 증명합니다. 그들은 경고의 으르렁거리거나 가벼운 찰칵 소리를 내는 것보다 걸어가는 것을 훨씬 선호합니다.

또한 이것은 애완 동물 소유가 가져오는 책임의 세계에 아이들을 소개하는 데 좋습니다. 이 인내심 있고 온순한 개는 일반적으로 먹이를 주고, 손질하고, 걷기 쉽습니다. 즉, 아이들이 많은 걱정 없이 이러한 책임을 맡을 수 있습니다.

전반적으로, 가족으로 데려갈 개를 찾을 때 돌보고, 관대하고, 온순한 개를 찾아야 합니다. 모든 개는 다르지만 골든 리트리버는 이러한 모든 특성과 훨씬 더 많은 것을 나타낼 수 있는 최고의 기회를 제공합니다.

<시간 />

27명의 수의사 및 애완동물 전문가가 어린이를 위한 최고의 개 품종을 공유합니다애슐리 제


Ashley Zeh는 Lollypop Farm, Human Society of Greater Rochester의 커뮤니케이션 부국장입니다. Lollypop Farm은 1873년부터 뉴욕주 Greater Rochester 지역에서 사람과 애완동물을 돕고 있습니다. Lollypop Farm은 개, 고양이, 작은 동물, 새, 파충류, 말 및 기타 농장을 포함하여 매년 수천 마리의 동물을 돌보고 보호하며 입양합니다. 동물.

“어떤 품종을 선택하든 개를 입양하기로 결정한 부모는 브리더로부터 강아지를 사는 것보다 훨씬 많은 이점이 있습니다..."

첫째, 입양을 앞두고 있는 개는 종종 이전 주인이 데려오기 때문에 입양하기로 선택한 보호소에서 그 개가 집에서 어떤 존재인지에 대해 더 많은 정보를 얻을 수 있습니다. 예를 들어, 그들은 전에 아이들과 함께 집에서 살았습니까? 그들은 다른 동물들과 잘 어울리나요? 강아지를 길 잃은 상태로 데려온 경우에도 Lollypop Farm과 같은 많은 보호소에는 강아지를 평가하는 행동 부서가 있어 강아지에게 완벽한 집이 어떤 모습일지 알아낼 수 있습니다.

따라서 입양할 때 카운슬러는 운동에 필요한 사항, 새로운 사람을 만나면 긴장하는지 여부, 애완 동물을 집에 데려오기 전에 고려해야 할 기타 중요한 정보에 대한 정보를 귀하와 공유할 수 있습니다. 어떤 특성은 특정 품종에서 더 일반적일 수 있지만 개마다 다를 수 있기 때문에 이러한 개별 특성은 브리더로부터 강아지를 얻을 때 예측하기 더 어려울 수 있습니다.

또한 입양은 종종 사육사로부터 구입하는 것보다 비용이 적게 들고, 반려동물은 종종 예방 접종, 이미 중성화 또는 중성화, 마이크로칩으로 최신 정보를 얻습니다. 예산이 있는 부모는 이 가치를 높이 평가하여 잠재적으로 수천 달러를 절약할 수 있습니다. 그리고 마지막으로, 애완 동물을 입양하는 것은 아이들에게 다른 사람을 돕는 가치를 실제로 가르칠 수 있습니다. 입양을 위해 개를 입양함으로써 가족은 생명을 구하고 이를 필요로 하는 애완 동물에게 두 번째 기회를 제공합니다.

<시간 />

27명의 수의사 및 애완동물 전문가가 어린이를 위한 최고의 개 품종을 공유합니다제이미 토마스


Jamie Thomas는 Motley Zoo Animal Rescue의 전무이사입니다.

“아이들과 잘 어울리는 개를 찾는 가장 좋은 방법은 실증된 역사…"

이는 특히 개가 집에서 특정 행동에 대해 논의할 수 있는 가족과 함께 사는 위탁 시스템에서 하기 매우 쉽습니다.

그 외에도 많은 개들이 자신의 잘못이 아니라 재정적, 의학적 이유(사람) 때문에 버려집니다. 완벽하게 행동하고 사랑받는 가족 개가 갑자기 보호소 시스템에 집 없이 남겨집니다. 과거에 아이들과 잘 살았던 개는 앞으로 아이들과 잘 살 수 있을 가능성이 매우 높으며 이 경험은 가치 있게 여겨져야 합니다.

사람들은 종종 이것이 아이들과 좋은 개를 얻는 유일한 방법이라고 생각하여 강아지를 키우고 싶어합니다. 솔직히, 그것은 아마도 진실과 가장 거리가 먼 것 일 것입니다 ...하지만 사람들이 가장 많이 저지르는 실수입니다. 거기에 더해서, 알려진 역사를 가진 순종 강아지가 더 낫다고 믿는 사람들과 함께 당신은 거짓 희망의 삼중주를 얻게 됩니다... 매년 너무 많은 개가 보호소에서 죽게 만드는 믿음입니다.

강아지에 관한 것은 사람들이 백지가 알려진 서판보다 낫다고 믿지만 결국 충분히 쓰지 않거나 더 나쁘게는 빈 서판에 잘못된 것을 쓴다는 것입니다. 사람들은 너무 자주 자신이 원하는 것과는 다른 결과를 낳고(대부분 잘못된 행동을 강화하기 위해) 개에게 뭔가 문제가 있다고 생각합니다.

우리가 본 것 중 가장 사회화되지 않고 공포에 질린 공격적인(일명 폐허가 된) 개 중 일부는 아이들을 강아지로 키웠지만 필요에 따라 실제로 사회화하고 강아지를 훈련시키기에는 너무 바빴던 좋은 가정에서 태어났습니다. 그들은 완벽한 가족 개를 얻으려는 시도에서 개를 망쳤습니다!

슬프게도, 이 사람들은 종종 그 견종에 문제가 있다고 생각하고(또는 변명의 여지가 무엇이든 간에) 다른 강아지를 사들이고, 그들이 원하는 개를 성형하는 데 실패한 자신의 책임을 결코 깨닫지 못합니다. 그리고 그때에도 개는 어린아이와 마찬가지로 여전히 자신의 성격을 갖고 자라며, 이는 가족이 원하는 개와 매우 다를 수 있습니다.

또한 잘 작동하지 않는다고 생각하는 한 가지는 사람들이 가족 개를 위해 똑똑한 개(종종 일을 하거나 목양하는 개)를 원할 때 깊숙이 뿌리 내린 경향이 자신에게 어떻게 작용할 수 있는지 이해하지 못하는 경우입니다. Those dogs can have very intense qualities and behaviors because they are bred specifically to do a job—one they won’t be doing as your family dog. The resulting anxiety or behaviors when these desires are not satisfied can lead to herding and nipping children, for example, especially if the dog isn’t given excessive exercise and other ways to channel their desires.

Lastly, no matter the breed, it is not easier to train smart dogs. It is harder because they think for themselves… so getting a smart dog does not make a better family pet. You’d be better of getting a fun, loving, dumb dog for the family because they are likely going to be far more willing to please you rather than themselves.

The important thing to think about when finding a dog that is good with kids is to consider that what you see is what you get (especially when it comes to any known history). If the dog is friendly, outgoing, and social—of any breed—then chances are it will continue to be this way in your home with your children.

A second-hand dog is not a bad thing for finding what you want in a family dog. Tried and true has merit when it comes to adopting dogs! Don’t underestimate the millions of great family dogs sitting in your local shelter or in foster care with a nearby rescue group. Many are purebred, and many have done nothing wrong to land themselves there. Just because people failed them doesn’t mean there is anything wrong with them!

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27명의 수의사 및 애완동물 전문가가 어린이를 위한 최고의 개 품종을 공유합니다Dr. Joe Alcorn, M.S., D.V.M.

Dr. Joe Alcorn, M.S., D.V.M. is a Vet at Care Animal Hospital in Temecula, CA.

“The best dog breed for kids is the one that the family chooses…” 

Adopting a dog to be the best pet for kids is certainly not just the breed or the dog’s mixture. As we know with humans, a majority of our personality is related to our upbringing. It is the same with the dog. A dog that is raised into a family, especially with children, requires an initial effort to teach, train, and discipline and appropriately praise our dog. This pet becomes well-adjusted to all family members, especially kids.

Besides the purebred dog breeds, there are innumerable numbers of adoptable mixed breeds from every humane and rescue agency in the country.

If the family has decided to adopt a puppy, be it a Chihuahua or Saint Bernard, interactions with children are the same across the board. Interactions between kids and puppies need to be directly monitored by an adult at all times. Puppies present a unique challenge, not only potty training but also getting them socially introduced to humans, other pets, and other dogs. No different than raising a child, helping a puppy fit into the family day today requires effort and dedication to training. Puppies must be taught to be comfortable with humans, including children, and that the hands of all family members are not chew toys.

If a mature dog is adopted into the family, the interactions with kids must be well monitored no different than a puppy. If a mature dog is adopted, hopefully there is a history for this pet to indicate what their personality type might be. All interactions between new dogs and our children need to be monitored by an adult at all times. I like to have kids and the family sit on the ground and let the dog investigate and begin interacting with the family.

This is the time to teach that hands are not chew toys, but we provide chew toys so the pets can be occupied when everyone is gone. The best toys are often ones that have some length to them because we can grab one end of the toy and the dog can grab the other, so we set the stage for safe, hand-friendly, playtime.

If you research online regarding a specific breed, you will find that the breed has a tendency toward certain personality traits.

Small breeds like Chihuahuas, Yorkshire Terriers, Pomeranians, Dachshunds, and all small dogs up to 10 to 15 pounds mature bodyweight are great choices because the pet will never be larger or bulkier than the child. This sometimes makes for easier training regarding child interactions.

Working breeds such as Terriers, Cattle Dogs, Retrievers, Labradors, Collies, and others can some times portray a personality that says, “I have a job to do.” These are fun pets for the family with children because playtime, exercise time, and mealtimes are all dedicated events that children can be engaged in with their dog.

Large breed dogs like Great Danes, Irish Wolfhounds, Mastiffs, Newfoundlands, and Saint Bernards are often wonderful choices for children. Whether these breeds start out in the family as puppies or mature dogs, it is often found that these large dogs have sincere respect for little people.

Medium-sized breeds like French Bulldogs, American Bulldogs, Boxers, Dalmatians, Dobermans, and medium-sized mixed breeds can all be raised and trained to be part of the family and part of the lives of children.

Some breeds are known for their high energy such as Jack Russell Terriers, Pugs, and Boston Terriers. If kids and family enjoy a dog full of energy, these breeds or mixes are always fun.

Which breeds are characteristically unfriendly with kids? None in particular; it is a matter of how the pet is raised and trained.

What is the most friendly and safe dog for kids? None in particular; it is a matter of how the pet is raised and trained.

Personally, having had multiple dogs and a family with four children, I have never owned a purebred. The dogs in our family were from adoption agencies and acquired as puppies. They were schooled on how to be pet friendly, especially with the kids.

Raising dogs to be child friendly and interactive is no different than training children. It requires consistency and regularity with appropriate discipline and rewards to help the dog adjust to all manner of humans, including kids.

Let each family do their research and decide on what breeds or mixes thereof they desire to be part of the family for 10 plus years. Once the dog is chosen, it is up to adults to help these new family members adjust to life with kids.

<시간 />

27명의 수의사 및 애완동물 전문가가 어린이를 위한 최고의 개 품종을 공유합니다Jodi Andersen

Jodi Andersen is a seasoned dog trainer and Chief Dog Expert and co-founder at How I Met My Dog.

“As a trainer, this is the question I am asked most often and my answer is always the same…”

In my opinion, the best breed of dog for families with kids isn’t a breed—it’s an individual dog that best fits an individual family. It’s true that breeds or breed groups [that have been bred to do specific jobs] do share certain behavioral predispositions. But even litter mates—no matter what breed they are—can be as different as night and day, much like human siblings that share the same parents.

Taking the time to discover which individual dog best fits your own family is even more important than considering a breed that is touted as being a good fit for “every” family. Some breeds (e.g., Golden Retrievers, Doodles, Labrador Retrievers, etc.) are actually marketed as kid and family-friendly. This can be grossly misleading if the breeder is more concerned with profit than temperament and health.

Whether you’re planning to rescue or purchase, when looking for the dog that best fits your family, keep these three criteria in mind:

  • Personality: Is this dog more curious than cautious? Does he/she seek out children with gentle inquisition? Dogs that choose to engage with children usually feel comfortable with them. If, on the other hand, this dog seems uncomfortable and seeks to leave the room, no matter what the breed, this pup is not the best fit for a family with children.
  • Expectations: If you, as a family, want an affectionate, cuddly dog, choosing a dog that initiates affection will likely be a good match.
  • Training Style: Choose a dog that appears to follow, rather than set, the energy level in the room. These dogs tend to fit nicely into the middle of the pack and are less likely to challenge youngsters. If you, as the parent, are comfortable redirecting a dog’s focus with a verbal queue (e.g., “leave it”) and the dog you are considering heeds but is not intimidated by the verbal queue, you, your kids, and this dog are a good training style fit.

Because the relationship between kids and their dogs ultimately sets the stage for a lifetime of loving, responsible pet parenting, choosing the individual dog whose needs match your family’s personality, expectations, and training style should carry at least as much (if not more) weight than the breed.

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27명의 수의사 및 애완동물 전문가가 어린이를 위한 최고의 개 품종을 공유합니다Dr. Kim Haddad


Kim Haddad is a Veterinarian and Medical Director at VCA San Carlos and VCA San Mateo.

“This question has so many possible answers…”

There is no single dog breed that is going to fit into every household with children. While many dogs are known for displaying certain breed-specific characteristics, each dog is still an individual. For example, there is no guarantee every Labrador Retriever is going to be sweet, love people, other dogs, or love to swim.

There are several factors to consider when deciding on what breed of dog to bring into your family.

  • How many kids do you have? What are their ages?
  • Is your family always on the go, or do you spend more time at home?
  • Is your dog going to be spending a lot of time alone while everyone is at work or school?
  • What are your home and yard like? Do you have a beautifully manicured garden, or is your yard designed for outdoor play?
  • Are you looking to get a puppy or an older dog?
  • Are you looking for a small, medium, large, or extra-large companion?
  • Do you want a dog that requires regular grooming?
  • Who is going to walk the dog?
  • Are you financially prepared to care for a dog that may be more prone to certain medical conditions?

Bringing a dog into your family is very exciting and can be an invaluable learning experience for kids. I love hearing clients share how much they treasured their family dog growing up and want to give their kids a similar experience. With regular preventative care and proper nutrition, our dogs are living much longer and more active lives. A new dog is likely to be with your family for many years, so it is wise to spend time researching which breed of dog will be the best fit for your family.

Before I list specific breeds, I have to say that mixed-breed dogs are a wonderful choice. Often, mixed-breed dogs are less prone to some of the more common genetic or heritable conditions of their purebred counterparts. Also, many mixed-breed dogs come from local shelters and are desperate for a loving home.

I adopted two Lab-hound mix brothers almost four years ago. Before I adopted Finn and Ferb, I had one purebred Labrador Retriever, two Rhodesian Ridgebacks, and an Australian Shephard mix. Finn, who looks like a Lab, and Ferb, who looks like a hound, really do display the best of each of these breeds.

Some of the breeds listed here have special characteristics or may be prone to certain medical conditions. You should discuss the unique qualities of each breed you are considering with your veterinarian before you make a decision. Here are 20 breeds that are likely to make great family dogs.

  • Small Dogs: These small dogs are really big dogs in small bodies:Jack Russell Terriers, French Bulldogs, Dachshunds, Boston Terriers, Pugs, and Bichon Frises. They may be a good fit for a family with active children and tend to be playful, lovable, and able to keep up with active kids. Fragile toy breeds, such as teacup versions of Poodles, Chihuahuas, Yorkies, or Shih Tzus, may not be the best choice for a family with very young or rambunctious older children.
  • Medium Dogs: Medium-sized breeds tend to be big enough to handle active children, but not too big to be a worry around small children. Breeds known for their good temperament and energy include:Poodles and some of the common Poodle mixes (e.g., Labradoodle, Goldendoodle), Beagles, Cavalier King Charles Spaniels, Cocker Spaniels, Australian Shepherds, and Vizlas.
  • Large and Giant Breed Dogs: These dogs can be a lot of work due to their size and/or energy level. While all dogs benefit from regular exercise, many of these breeds require a bit more than others. These breeds, such as Labrador Retrievers, Golden Retrievers, Boxers, Collies, and Alaskan Malamutes (which I grew up with), tend to be smart, affectionate, and active. The largest in this group—Bernese Mountain Dogs, Newfoundlands, and Great Pyrenees—are a bit more laid-back but really require a great deal of space and grooming.

Dogs of any breed or size can make a wonderful family pet. The most important thing is to make sure the breed and individual dog you pick is well-suited to your unique family and home.

<시간 />

27명의 수의사 및 애완동물 전문가가 어린이를 위한 최고의 개 품종을 공유합니다Jessika Jake, PMP


Jessika Jake, PMP is a CATCH Certified Dog Trainer.

“Border Collies are the single best dog breed for kids…”

They are loyal, smart, and the perfect addition to the suburban or country family that is looking for a new four-legged family member to join in on activities and family life. I am ever-astounded by NOVA’s coverage of Chaser, a Border Collie who knows over 1,000 objects by name and was able to find Darwin, a toy she never saw before, by inferring it was not any of the 1,000+ whose name she knew!

So, your family better be ready for a beyond-bright new buddy to engage and get active with! Border Collies are fast learners and respond well to praise. The more family members you have the better, so you can all take turns letting your Border Collie get a couple of hours of exercise a day and appropriate mental stimulation. Setting up an agility course can be fun for the whole family, as well as playing fetch, Frisbee, and some of the games that made Chaser famous.

<시간 />

27명의 수의사 및 애완동물 전문가가 어린이를 위한 최고의 개 품종을 공유합니다Jeremy Talamantes

Jeremy Talamantes has been a leader in the dog training business and one of Hollywood’s most trusted celebrity dog trainers for over 23 years in Southern California. Jeremy has worked with Hollywood’s top celebrities such as Ben Affleck, Eddie Murphy, Charlie Sheen, Nicole Richie, Cameron Diaz, Dr. Dre, Yasiel Puig, and many more.

“The German Shepherd Dog (GSD) is truly the best dog for children…”

The GSD is a dog that will have the energy to play, the tolerance to interact, and the natural drives to not let strangers overstep their boundaries. To clarify, I am talking about an ethically bred, stable, and genetically sound dog. GSDs have been bred for many years to be the perfect family dog, or more specifically, the best for children. There are other breeds that are good for children, but all things considered, I would have to go with the GSD as the best dog for kids overall.

The GSD is one of the few breeds that can play ball in the morning with the kids, go jogging with mom at noon, go to IPO classes with dad in the afternoon, and then chill with the baby in the evening. He is a large dog with a stately appearance. He will tolerate the kids pulling on his ears, the older dog stealing his food, and even lay down with the cats and let them sleep on his hindquarters. He will also enjoy being trained and have an endless desire to please you.

The GSD will lay in the yard and scare away the teens that want to steal your beach cruiser, and he’s capable of intimidating even the more experienced and mature thief who has an eye on your safe that’s hidden in the garage. He can be trained to be calm and obedient, or he can chase the ball for hours. Your arm just might get tired before he does. He can be trained to never challenge anyone, or he can be built up to work as a highly trained sport dog—with the right trainer, of course.

With over 23 years of professional dog training experience in Southern California, I have been asked this exact question many times… “What is the best dog for my kids?” My answer will always be the same:the German Shepherd Dog!

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27명의 수의사 및 애완동물 전문가가 어린이를 위한 최고의 개 품종을 공유합니다Rebecca Bridges

Rebecca Bridges blogs as Houston Dog Mom, providing stories of dog-friendly businesses, dog events, and Houston animal rescue. A lifetime cat lady, she made the move to the dog side in 2009. Rebecca is also a videographer for Urgent Shelter Pets Houston, an online networking site that has been influential in growing the live release from Harris County Animal Shelter from 50% to over 90%.

“Dogs should be selected based on the family dynamic and the individual personality of the dog…”

While specific breeds like Labs and Golden Retrievers are known as family dogs, each dog is an individual. And each family is individual, too. Are you a family that’s high-energy? Select a high-energy dog. Prefer a low-key lifestyle? That’s the dog to go with.

What’s more important is setting boundaries in your home, for both your dog and your child. Dogs don’t come pre-trained. Train them to understand helpful commands like ‘leave it’ or ‘place.’ Those will come in handy when your dog grabs the baby’s sock or when there’s company over. Similarly, children don’t come pre-trained. They need to know it’s not okay to pull the dog’s tail or take food from its mouth. Setting boundaries is key to the harmonious integration of kids and dogs.

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27명의 수의사 및 애완동물 전문가가 어린이를 위한 최고의 개 품종을 공유합니다Roberta Gleicher

Roberta Gleicher is a Certified Pet Advisor.

“As a Certified Pet Advisor, I have to say that there is no single best dog breed for all kids…”

While different breeds do tend to have certain types of temperaments, personalities, and exercise requirements, there’s not one breed that fits all children. Children vary in temperament and the amount of interest they have in physical exercise. Plus, individual dogs might not fit their breed’s usual type of temperament.

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27명의 수의사 및 애완동물 전문가가 어린이를 위한 최고의 개 품종을 공유합니다Lisa Bernier


Lisa Bernier is BARK’s Director of Social Impact arm, BARK for Good. She is owned by a devil in a dachshund suit named Andi, a black and tan hound named Pepper, and whatever foster puppy is currently in the rotation trying to destroy her shoes.

“Caveat:All dogs are individuals, and though a dog’s breed can be indicative of behavior, it’s not a predictor…”

Please do research and meet any dog you’re considering adding to your pack, and do temperament testing with the dog and all members of the household to make sure it’s a good fit all around!

Number 1:A mutt or mixed breed. 왜요? Their temperaments can be more balanced than some purebreds (due to lack of inbreeding). Plus, since they tend to be healthier, they’re up for romping around with kids in the yard. Additionally, mixed breeds also can live longer, so your kids can truly grow up with their best friend!

Runner Up:A hound dog. Hounds are great family dogs. They’re super pack-oriented, so bond very strongly with their family. They’re generally up for playing around in the yard, but also will happily snooze and cuddle on the couch once they’re tired. They are hunting/working breeds, and the majority of scent hounds are very vocally expressive. So, definitely make sure you and your family are up for walking and exercising them enough to keep them from finding their own amusement. There’s nothing like a hound dog, though. They love to clown around and are fantastic playmates.

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27명의 수의사 및 애완동물 전문가가 어린이를 위한 최고의 개 품종을 공유합니다Kelly Reeves


Kelly has over 20 years of animal rescue experience. As the Co-Founder and President of Paw Prints in the Sand, Kelly oversees all business operations, PR and marketing, and fundraising initiatives. Prior to PPITS, Kelly volunteered and fostered for various animal rescues. She continually works to increase awareness of animal-related issues in an effort to change current laws and save more lives.

“In my experience, the best dog breed for kids are Pit Bulls…”

They have a very gentle and patient demeanor. They weren’t once known as the ‘Nanny Dog’ for no reason. They were known as faithful, loving, and loyal, especially when it came to children. A child’s safety was practically guaranteed.

Sadly, the media, bad owners, and dog fighters came into the picture to give these dogs a very bad rap. Every pittie that we have placed in a home with children has been the best dog. A few have become service or ESA dogs for children.

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27명의 수의사 및 애완동물 전문가가 어린이를 위한 최고의 개 품종을 공유합니다Colleen Stinchcombe


Colleen Stinchcombe is a writer for Rover.com.

“If there was ever a mixed breed to steal the show, it’s definitely the Cockapoo (sometimes called a Cockapoodle)…”

Although it wasn’t the first doodle breed (that title goes to the Labradoodle), the Cocker Spaniel/Poodle mix is certainly one of the most popular, and for good reason:they’re absolutely fabulous pets.

Cockadoodles are one of the friendliest dog breeds you’ll find and are great for kids. It’s hard to know exactly where certain traits in dogs come from, but for whatever reason, this mix tends to create some of the nicest dogs on the planet—and it has one of the best smiles, too. This is a dog that will happily greet you at the door, eagerly follow you around a room, and happily curl up next to you on the couch or directly on your lap. Wherever you go, the Cockapoo will follow.

It’s this friendly, sociable personality that makes these dogs excellent therapy dogs. And their small size (they only grow to be about 20 lbs) makes them great for people who can be a bit nervous around dogs or for a child experiencing their first pup.

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27명의 수의사 및 애완동물 전문가가 어린이를 위한 최고의 개 품종을 공유합니다Chelsea Rivera


Chelsea Rivera is an energetic and brilliant Hispanic woman who launched Honest Paws. When her dog, Baby Rose, started suffering from seizures, Chelsea found out about CBD. She decided to give it a go. Within a month, Baby Rose’s seizures had completely stopped… and this is where it all began!

“Children have different types of personalities and lifestyles, depending on the household they are raised in…”

They can be pretty active and may need a dog that keeps up with them. Since all dogs have good qualities to show, you can determine which one can be the best for your kid by taking them to a shelter! Mutts are not always looked at as the best family dogs, and in reality, they are in wait of their forever homes with a family they can bring much love to. As mixes, they can have the best traits of the breeds they are made of.

You can normally see a mutt’s characteristics when first meeting them. If your child seems to get along with their possible new pet, this might be something to consider. You should make sure that the animal doesn’t show possessive or violent traits. Some shy dogs that have suffered from abuse in the past might also not be the best fit if your child is fairly young and too hyper to understand that the family has to be patient with the dog as it gets comfortable in its new surroundings.

However, these dogs have the best characteristics of different breeds and can be the perfect opportunity to teach children responsibility and the positive impact that adoption can make.

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27명의 수의사 및 애완동물 전문가가 어린이를 위한 최고의 개 품종을 공유합니다Jennifer Lovett

Jennifer Lovett is the Owner on Claws for the Cause.

“There are many factors to look at when breaking down this question…”

Every family and family dynamic is different. These factors can be as easy as how trainable the dog is to grooming requirements, age of the children, etc.

When picking a dog, a family should look at characteristics their dog should have, such as adaptability, type of living environment, low prey drive, child-friendly, dog-friendly, exercise needs, grooming, intelligence, stranger-friendly, and being territorial.

After considering these characteristics, perhaps your family decides you want a really adaptable dog that can live in an apartment, with low prey drive and that loves children, other dogs, and animals, can live with a 30-minute walk a day, doesn’t need much grooming, is smart and loves to train, and doesn’t mind meeting new people but likes to keep the house safe. Then, you can look at the breeds themselves.

The average family is going to be in a house with a yard, two parents, and two children. They probably have busy schedules, as well. For this reason, my recommendations are as follows:

  • Newfoundland:This breed is good for all ages, doesn’t need tons of exercise, and generally stays incredibly close to children. Nana from Peter Pan is a Newfie, and she is written very true to her breed.
  • Pit Bull:The Pit Bull is good for all ages, loves to be with their people, and tends to be eager to please. They are most happy making their family happy. Petey from Little Rascals is a Pit Bull and is written very true to his breed.
  • Boston Terrier:The Boston Terrier is a good breed for kids age 10 and up. They love to please their people and are highly outgoing. They do well with people coming in and out of the house and adapt to changes quickly.
  • Golden Retriever:Good for ages 4 and up, Golden Retrievers can get very jealous, so being around babies isn’t the best. They will push your child out of the way for attention. Once your child is older, the bestie dynamic can really blossom.
  • Labrador Retriever:Labs are good for ages 4 and up, mainly based on how much they shed. When you’re dealing with a new child, housekeeping isn’t the main priority, so pet hair will accumulate, and with a lab it will fast and heavy.

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27명의 수의사 및 애완동물 전문가가 어린이를 위한 최고의 개 품종을 공유합니다Dane Kolbaba


Dane Kolbaba is the Owner of Watchdog Pest Control.

“If you’re looking for a dog breed that best fits as a companion for children, here’s what I suggest:Bull Terrier…”

They’re not as aggressive as people believe them to be. Bull Terriers are a naturally gentle, fun-loving, and affectionate breed, which makes them the best fit as a family dog. They have a penchant for mischief, so they’ll definitely be able to keep up with children’s antics and serve as their active playmates. At the same time, they have a high tolerance for pain, so you don’t have to worry about them being hostile to kids roughly grabbing them by the neck and riding them like horses.

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27명의 수의사 및 애완동물 전문가가 어린이를 위한 최고의 개 품종을 공유합니다Nicole Ellis


Nicole Ellis is a professional dog trainer with Rover.

“I recommend a number of breeds for families with kids, including…”

1. Great Pyrenees

  • This breed is known as the gentle giant as they can grow to well over 100 pounds. But don’t let their size fool you; they’re great dogs for families.
  • They are a guardian breed that was meant to protect a flock, so being with their family is important to them.
  • Despite their size, Great Pyrenees don’t need tons of exercise. They would enjoy a large yard to roam or one to two brisk walks a day. They like consistency and knowing who their family is.
  • Make sure you have plenty of time to dedicate to spending time with your Great Pyrenees. And perhaps keep a Dyson Animal Vac or plenty of lint rollers handy.
  • Training is also key with this breed; Great Pyrenees also need to learn to trust their pet parent.

2. Rottweilers

  • While movies often depict Rottweilers as foaming at the mouth and hyper-aggressive, the breed actually has a calm, patient, and reserved personality that is great for families.
  • Rots are also very protective over their families and are strong, loving, and confident.
  • As with any strong dog, training is key.

3. Labradors

  • Perhaps the quintessential American family dog, Labradors are beloved family pets, and with good reason.
  • Labs are good-natured dogs that can be a loyal and loving family companion for many years to come.
  • Labs are often happy, smart, and social, making them perfect for any family.

4. Bulldogs

  • Bulldogs are perfect for families looking for a low-maintenance dog. They want nothing more than to lay on the couch with their families and be loved by kids.
  • Since they have lower energy, they are great for busy families.
  • Even though this dog is just fine with minimal exercise, make sure you’re still able to give your Bulldog walks on a regular basis and regulate their food intake. You’ll also need to be aware of common health problems down the line.

5. Newfoundlands

  • Known as a “babysitter” dog, the Newfie is one of the best family dogs.
  • The breed is calm and eager to please, as well as wonderfully patient with kids of all ages.
  • Buyer beware—these dogs shed, drool, and basically leave a big mess all over the house and furniture.

6. Cavalier King Charles Spaniels

  • Hopelessly devoted to their families, the Cavalier is a trustworthy companion for kids.
  • They love playing games and frolicking but also will enjoy a cuddly nap in your lap.
  • Little ones will adore petting their long, silky coats—just make sure they’re gentle.

6. Bichon Frise

  • Bichon pups are endlessly cheerful and also require regular exercise to burn off energy—perfect for extra-active kids.
  • Just make sure your yard is securely fenced, as these lovable little cotton balls can be quite the escape artists.

7. Maltese

  • They’re so tiny, typically weighing just 3 to 7 pounds!
  • Despite being diminutive, they have big personalities and a gentle, loving nature that jives well with family life.
  • Make sure all kids are taught how to safely hold these little guys, especially when they’re puppies.

8. Beagles

  • This friendly, curious breed is known for a gentle and even temper that pairs well with children.
  • Though they’ll want to spend all of their time with the family at home, don’t bank on them as a security system—they’re a little too friendly to make competent guard dogs.

9. Pembroke Welsh Corgis

  • Corgis love nothing more than following their loved ones around.
  • Affectionate, sweet, and wicked smart, these canines are programmed to please, so begin training them early on.

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27명의 수의사 및 애완동물 전문가가 어린이를 위한 최고의 개 품종을 공유합니다Jonathan Rose


Husband and wife team Jonathan and Ashton Rose launched Aurora Pets, a UK luxury retail site honoring our four-legged friends and to celebrate only the most luxury and premium brands available.

“We highly recommend the French Bulldog as the single best dog breed for anyone, not only children…”

We are absolutely Frenchie mad, and for good reason—we have never met such affectionate, playful dogs. If you are looking for a dog with character and charm, the Frenchie has them in bundles.

We love all dogs that we meet, but our two French Bulldogs have brought immeasurable love and laughter to our lives.

French Bulldogs are great with children. They are always eager to play and just as happy to sit and snuggle up. They can be quite stubborn at times, but this only adds to their character. We would suggest adopting or find a European breed French Bulldog as their noses are not pushed in as much, which is generally much healthier for them.

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27명의 수의사 및 애완동물 전문가가 어린이를 위한 최고의 개 품종을 공유합니다Haeleigh Hyatt


Haeleigh Hyatt is the director of training at SpotOn Virtual Smart Fence, where she is responsible for recruiting and managing partner trainers. She played an instrumental role in the development and testing of the product’s three associated training programs, which provide users with step-by-step instructions for training their dog with the product.

“Though it may seem odd, Great Danes are actually great for dog owners with children…”

Great Danes are known as the gentle giants of the dog world and love to be around people. These dogs are generally very calm and even-tempered, as well as very affectionate, making them a great companion for kids.

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27명의 수의사 및 애완동물 전문가가 어린이를 위한 최고의 개 품종을 공유합니다Shawn Hostetter


Shawn Hostetter is the Owner and President of Keystone Puppies, an online puppy breeder advertising agency. Shawn has helped thousands of wannabe puppy parents make their dreams a reality with the help of his breed expertise and trustworthy breeders.

“The Cockapoo is one of the best dog breeds for kids and families…”

We always recommend this mid-sized pup for families with children because they tend to be loving, obedient, gentle, easy to train, and better yet—low on shedding. While Cockapoos have plenty of energy to play outside with kids, they also love a nice, relaxing evening cuddling on the couch. Plus, who doesn’t love a curly-haired cutie?

처음 주인을 위한 10가지 최고의 개 품종
처음 주인을 위한 10가지 최고의 개 품종

처음 개 주인이 되는 것은 흥미진진한 일이지만 당신이 기르는 품종의 종류에 따라 다소 어려울 수도 있습니다. 개 품종은 매우 다양하며 올바른 품종을 선택하는 방법을 알기가 어렵습니다. 다음에 보게 되는 사랑스러운 강아지를 집에 데려가기 전에 고려해야 할 몇 가지 사항이 있습니다. 다행히도 특정 개 품종은 에너지 수준, 크기, 외모 및 몸단장 요구 사항을 비교적 예측할 수 있습니다. 개를 처음 키운 사람을 위한 훌륭한 개 품종 10가지를 소개합니다. 팁 훈련 가능성, 낯선 사람에 대한 공격성, 먹잇감 같은 독특한 품종 특성은 개의

어린 아이들을 위한 최고의 개 책 8권
어린 아이들을 위한 최고의 개 책 8권

이 8개의 어린이용 동화책에서 사랑스러운 개와 어린이들 사이에서 유대감을 형성하는 아이들과 함께 좋은 시간을 보내십시오. 당신 인생의 젊은 독자들은 당신이 읽거나 심지어 한두 페이지를 스스로 시도해 볼 때 격려를 받을 것입니다. 또한 애완동물 부모가 된다는 것이 무엇을 의미하는지, 입양이 왜 중요한지, 낯선 개와 상호 작용하는 방법에 대해 모두 배울 것입니다. 어린 독자를 위한 선물을 찾거나 야간 독서 의식에 새로운 것을 추가해야 하는 경우, 여기 어린 아이들을 위한 최고의 개 책 8권이 있습니다. 1. 내가 당신의 개가 되