DVM의 Fiona Caldwell 박사의 서문
수의사로서 저는 반려견 가족의 건강을 위한 영양의 중요성을 증명할 수 있습니다. 과학적 연구에 따르면 개가 적절한 음식을 먹고 적절한 영양소를 섭취할 때 더 길고 건강한 삶을 살 수 있습니다. 대부분의 상업용 개 사료는 20세기에 주류가 된 이후 많은 발전을 이루었지만 많은 사람들은 여전히 사전 포장된 개 사료 잎이 많이 부족하다고 느낍니다.
개가 수세기 전에 길들여졌을 때, 그들은 일반적으로 남은 음식과 찌꺼기를 먹였습니다. 동물 영양에 대한 연구는 처음에 인간이 소비하는 식용 동물을 더 건강하고 생산적으로 만드는 데 초점을 맞췄습니다. 1900년대 중반에 교제만을 목적으로 사용하는 동물의 수가 증가함에 따라 개와 고양이를 더 건강하게 만들기 위한 영양 연구도 증가했습니다.

상업용 개 사료는 수십억 달러 규모의 산업입니다. 애완 동물 사료는 미국 사료 관리 협회(American Feed Control Officials) 협회(Association of American Feed Control Officials)가 제시한 기준을 충족해야 하지만 품질 면에서 브랜드 간에 여전히 큰 차이가 있을 수 있습니다. 자신의 개 사료를 만드는 것은 최고의 품질의 식단을 제공하는 방법으로 많은 개 애호가들에게 확실한 매력이 있습니다.
건강을 위한 101개의 집에서 만든 개밥 요리법은 애완 동물을 좋아하는 당신에게 당신의 개가 먹는 재료의 종류와 품질 수준을 더 잘 제어할 수 있도록 하는 것을 목표로 합니다. 또한 이 조리법 모음은 반려동물이 앓고 있는 특정 식이 질환이나 건강 상태에 도움이 될 수 있습니다. 이 요리법 목록을 지침으로 사용하면 식욕 부진을 유발하는 암과 같은 상태로 인해 또는 선천적으로 까다롭다면 까다로운 애완 동물을 도울 수 있습니다.
가정식 식단에 대한 분명한 징후는 소화 기관이 예민하거나 음식 과민증이 있는 개를 위한 것입니다. 이 조리법 모음에서 개가 이러한 질병을 더 잘 통제하기 위해 먹는 재료를 정밀하게 조절할 수 있도록 맞춤화된 가정식 식단을 찾을 수 있습니다.
개를 위한 가정 요리의 한 가지 부정적인 측면은 좋은 품질의 재료에 대한 비용일 수 있습니다. 건강을 위한 101 수제 개밥 레시피는 배치당 평균 비용을 나열하여 추측 작업을 돕습니다.
집에서 반려견의 식사를 만드는 것은 상업적인 식단에 대한 건강한 대안이 될 수 있지만 가볍게 여겨서는 안됩니다. 집에서 요리한 식단에는 많은 이점이 있지만 부적절하게 수행하면 개의 건강에 치명적인 결과를 초래할 수 있습니다. 예를 들어 개의 칼슘 요구량은 인간의 거의 3배입니다. 성장하는 강아지, 특히 대형견은 부적절한 영양 섭취로 인해 오래 지속되는 손상을 입을 수 있습니다.
건강을 위한 101 개 사료 요리법은 완전한 균형 잡힌 상업용 식단을 보완하는 데 사용해야 하며 수의사의 감독 없이 단독으로 사용해서는 안 됩니다. 집에서 만든 음식만 먹일 수는 있지만 영양 불균형을 방지하기 위해 우수한 품질의 비타민과 미네랄 보충제를 사용하는 것이 필수적입니다.
좀 더 맞춤형 식단이 필요한 상황에 있는 애완동물에게는 집에서 음식을 요리하는 것이 건강한 대안이 될 수 있으며 이 101가지 요리법 모음이 훌륭한 가이드가 될 것이라고 생각합니다. 당신의 개를 위한 요리 작업을 시작하기 전에 이러한 찬반 양론을 저울질하는 것이 중요합니다. 집에서 만든 다이어트는 모든 사람을 위한 것이 아니며 부적절하게 수행될 경우 위험할 수 있습니다. 개를 위한 새로운 가정식 식단을 시작하기 전에 항상 수의사와 상담하십시오.
디지털 하드 카피를 원하시면 여기에서 아래 레시피의 PDF 버전을 다운로드할 수 있습니다.
집에서 만든 개밥을 만들 때 얻는 이점
집에서 만든 개 사료를 만드는 것은 애완 동물뿐만 아니라 당신에게도 매우 보람있는 일입니다! 대부분의 애완 동물 소유자는 팩을 위해 집에서 만든 음식을 만드는 것을 즐깁니다. TopDogTips.com에서 내 동영상을 시청하신 분들 YouTube 채널은 제가 요리를 정말 좋아한다는 것을 알고 있으며, 강아지가 좋아하고 건강에도 도움이 되는 맛있는 음식을 만들 때 강아지를 행복하게 해주는 것을 즐깁니다.
나는 내가 사용하는 재료를 선택하게 되며, 강아지의 개별적인 선호도와 건강상의 필요에 따라 모든 식사를 제공할 수 있는 능력이 있습니다. 집에서 만든 개 사료를 만들면 건강에 많은 이점이 있을 뿐만 아니라 강아지가 상업용 마른 사료보다 훨씬 더 좋아할 것입니다.
우리는 세 마리의 개가 있습니다. 심장 질환이 있는 7살 박서, 2살 초콜릿 래브라도 리트리버, 1살 비글/코커 스패니얼 믹스입니다. 모든 반려견의 필요를 충족시킬 상업용 식품을 찾는 것은 불가능합니다. 우리에게는 인생의 모든 단계에 개가 있고 그 중 두 마리는 적절한 영양 섭취로 도움이 될 수 있는 건강 상태를 가지고 있습니다.
집에서 만든 개 사료를 만들면 모든 개에게 건강하고 안전한 식사를 먹일 수 있는 동시에 개인의 필요에 맞게 음식을 맞춤화할 수 있습니다. 저는 세 마리의 개 모두의 음식에 프리바이오틱스와 프로바이오틱스를 추가하고, 우리 Lab과 Boxer는 고유한 보충제도 받습니다.
말할 것도 없이, 집에서 개 사료를 만들기로 결정했다면 100% 재료를 선택하게 됩니다. 나는 뉴스에서 개 사료 리콜에 대해 읽을 때마다 소름이 돋았다. 강아지에게 먹이는 음식과 간식에 유해한 성분이 들어 있는지 궁금합니다.
나는 항상 미국에서 만든 상업용 개 사료를 사는 것을 강조했습니다. 이 정도면 충분하다고 생각했지만, 일부 회사는 여기서 음식을 만들고 다른 나라에서 재료를 조달한다는 것을 알게 되었습니다. 음식이 중국산이 아니라고 해서 중국산 재료가 들어가지 않은 것은 아닙니다.
집에서 만든 개 사료를 먹이면 셀 수 없이 많은 이점이 있지만 가장 큰 세 가지 이유는 다음과 같습니다.
- 나는 강아지가 먹고 싶어하는 재료를 추가하면서 영양 요구 사항을 충족할 수 있는 요리법을 제공할 수 있습니다.
- 월별 애완동물 사료 예산을 초과하지 않고 세 마리의 개 모두를 위한 다른 요리법을 만들 수 있습니다.
- 나는 내가 감당할 수 있는 가장 건강하고 안전한 재료를 사용할 수 있습니다.

당신은 자신의 개 사료를 만들 여유가 있습니까?
집에서 개밥을 만들 때 예산에 맞는 건강한 재료를 선택할 수 있습니다. 해당 지역의 정육점에서 현지 단백질 공급원을 선택할 수 있습니다. 길가에 있는 파머스 마켓에서 구입한 신선한 야채를 사용할 수 있습니다. 원하는 경우 자신의 동물을 키우고 자신의 농산물을 키울 수도 있습니다.
우리는 매년 작은 정원을 가꾸고 있습니다. 여름에는 정원에서 가져온 신선한 재료를 사용합니다. 가격은 1센트도 안 되며 지역 식료품점에서 구입할 수 있는 어떤 농산물보다 안전합니다.
우리는 다음을 사용합니다:
- 녹두,
- 고구마와 흰 감자,
- 완두콩;
- 당근,
- 블루베리;
- 라즈베리;
- 블랙베리;
… 그리고 우리가 직접 재배하는 몇 가지 다른 과일과 채소. 나는 또한 작은 실내 허브 정원을 가지고 있으며 일년 내내 집에서 만든 개밥 요리법에 로즈마리와 파슬리와 같은 신선한 허브를 사용합니다. 이것들을 키우는 데 비용이 많이 들지 않고, 개 사료 비용을 약 3분의 1로 줄입니다.
최고 품질의 재료를 살 여유가 없더라도 걱정하지 마세요! 당신은 여전히 강아지를 위해 건강한 식사를 만들고 예산을 유지할 수 있습니다. 저렴한 비용으로 수제 애완동물 사료를 만드는 세 가지 팁은 다음과 같습니다.
- 닭고기와 돼지고기와 같이 더 일반적이고 더 저렴한 단백질 공급원을 선택하면 비용을 절약할 수 있습니다.
- 가지고 있는 재료를 사용하거나 제철 과일과 채소로 대체할 수 있는 요리법을 선택하세요.
- 식사 후 남은 음식으로 강아지 사료를 만드십시오. 어젯밤의 저녁 식사에서 남은 야채는 잘 작동합니다. 남은 스테이크, 치킨 또는 햄버거가 있습니까? 상할 때까지 냉장고에 두지 마십시오. 강아지를 위한 식사를 만들 때 사용하세요.
강아지에게 가장 좋은 요리법은 무엇이며 얼마나 먹일지 어떻게 결정하나요?
개 건강 분야에서 일하는 누구에게나 물어보면 가장 건강한 개 사료는 집에서 만든 것이라고 말할 것입니다. 유해 성분, 화학 물질 및 독소 또는 부적절한 영양 균형에 대해 걱정할 필요가 없습니다. 반려동물을 위한 적절한 먹이기 지침을 따르는 한, 제공할 수 있는 가장 건강한 음식은 직접 만드는 것입니다.
하지만 반려동물에게 적절한 영양 균형이 무엇인지 어떻게 알 수 있나요?
강아지가 하루에 얼마나 많은 칼로리를 필요로 하는지에 영향을 미치는 많은 요소가 있습니다. 또한 강아지가 매일 섭취해야 하는 단백질, 탄수화물 및 기타 영양소의 적정량을 결정할 때 고려해야 할 많은 변수가 있습니다.
이러한 변수 중 일부는 다음과 같습니다.
괜찮아요! 아무도 당신이 이 모든 것을 스스로 해결하기를 기대하지 않습니다. 사실, 송곳니 영양에 대한 적절한 훈련 없이 그것을 알아내는 것은 정말로 불가능합니다. 이것이 개를 집에서 만든 식단으로 바꾸기 전에 전문가와 상의해야 하는 이유입니다.
당신은 내가 당신에게 개에게 먹이는 방법을 정확히 알려주지 않고 집에서 만든 개 사료를 강요하려고 여기 앉아 있다고 생각할 수도 있습니다. 우선, 집에서 만든 식단이 모든 개에게 적합하지 않을 수 있다는 점을 말씀드리겠습니다. 둘째, 강아지에게 필요한 것이 무엇인지 정확히 알려주는 것처럼 간단했으면 좋겠지만 강아지마다 다릅니다.
우리와 마찬가지로 모든 개에는 개별적인 영양 요구 사항이 있습니다. 당신이 송곳니 영양에 대한 훈련을 받지 않은 한, 당신은 당신의 개가 나보다 더 필요로 하는 것이 무엇인지 모릅니다. 그렇기 때문에 홈메이드 식단을 결정할 때 전문가의 도움을 받는 것이 중요합니다.
수의사는 시작하기에 좋은 곳입니다. 송곳니 영양사와 상담할 수도 있지만 일반 수의사를 방문하는 것보다 비용이 조금 더 많이 들 수 있습니다. 어느 쪽이든, 함께 일하는 전문가가 반려견의 개별적인 요구 사항을 모두 검토하고 반려견을 위한 완벽한 영양 권장 사항을 만드는 데 도움을 줄 것입니다.
아직 숲에서 나오지 않았습니다. 개의 영양 필요량은 나이가 들면서 변합니다. 강아지는 성인이나 노령견과 다른 영양이 필요합니다. 반려견의 체중이 크게 변했다면 식단을 검사해야 합니다.
집에서 만든 식단을 먹이는 것은 한 번 알아낸 후에 애완 동물의 삶을 위해 가는 것이 좋은 것이 아닙니다. 개가 나이를 먹고 건강이 변화함에 따라 계속 재방문해야 하는 것입니다. 나이, 체중 또는 새로운 건강 상태로 인한 신체의 주요 변화는 송곳니 영양 전문가의 평가를 받아야 신체의 새로운 요구 사항에 맞게 식단을 변경할 수 있습니다.
집에서 만든 개 사료 다이어트로 전환하라는 승인을 받으면 시작할 준비가 된 것입니다. 이제 애완 동물의 관심을 불러일으키고 더 많이 구걸하게 할 몇 가지 요리법을 찾을 때입니다. 나는 이 책에 내가 가장 좋아하는 요리법 중 일부를 포함시켰고 강아지가 가질 수 있는 여러 건강 문제를 관리하는 데 도움이 되는 많은 요리법도 찾았습니다. 당신의 개가 내 무리만큼 그들을 즐기기를 바랍니다!
관절염, 고관절 및 관절 질환이 있는 개를 위한 7가지 집에서 만든 개밥 요리법
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- 삶은 쇠고기는 물기를 빼고 밥과 함께 버무린다.
- 야채와 퓌레와 함께 믹서기에 알팔파 가루를 넣습니다.
- 볼에 귀리를 충분히 따뜻한 물로 적셔줍니다. 믹스.
- 귀리와 조각을 "빵"에 익힌 칠면조를 추가합니다. 육수를 넣고 다시 섞습니다.
- 쌀과 쇠고기 혼합물을 칠면조 혼합물에 넣고 퓌레로 만든 야채 ½컵을 넣고 함께 섞습니다. 파슬리를 추가합니다.
- 일상적인 크기로 제공
관절염견을 위한 로즈힙과 쐐기풀 비프 스튜
대략적인 배치당 비용: $15.75
- 쇠고기
- 쌀 ½컵
- 보리 1½컵
- 렌즈콩 ½컵
- 다진 당근 2컵
- 다진 셀러리 1컵
- 케일 2컵
- 마늘 3쪽
- 건조 로즈힙 ½컵
- 신선한 파슬리 1컵
- 마른 쐐기풀 1컵
- 스프 냄비에 물 8컵을 넣고 당근을 넣고 끓입니다.
- 남은 재료를 냄비에 넣고 끓입니다.
- 불을 끄고 냄비 뚜껑을 덮고 식힙니다.
- 정상적인 양의 식사를 제공합니다.
관절염 강아지를 위한 항염 야채 스튜
대략적인 배치당 비용: $12.00
- 다진 호박 2개
- 케일 2컵
- 다진 당근 2컵
- 다진 고구마 2개
- 다진 셀러리 1컵
- 렌즈콩 ½컵
- 퀴노아 1½컵
- 다진 파슬리 ½컵
- 마늘 3쪽
- 달지 않은 크랜베리 ½컵
- 쐐기풀 1컵
- 스프 냄비에 물 8컵을 넣고 고구마와 당근을 넣고 끓입니다.
- 5분간 끓입니다.
- 나머지 재료를 추가합니다.
- 불을 끄고 냄비 뚜껑을 덮고 식힙니다.
- 정상적인 양의 식사를 제공합니다.
관절염견을 위한 해산물 간식
대략적인 배치당 비용: $9.50
- 통밀가루 1½컵
- 1 큰술. 마른 박편 해초
- 1티스푼. 식품 등급 몬모릴로나이트 점토
- 유기농 플레인 요구르트 ¾ 컵
- 1컵 유기농 호박 퓌레
- 1 큰술. 올리브 오일
- 2 큰술. 동결 건조 크릴
- 귀리 ¾컵
- 물에 담가 물기를 뺀 정어리 1캔, 다진 것
- ½ 티스푼. 생강
- ¼ tsp. 녹색 입술 근육 분말
- ¼ tsp. 심황
- ¼컵 순무
- ¼ tsp. 바다 소금
- 오븐을 375도로 예열합니다.
- 재료를 섞어 반죽을 만듭니다.
- 도우를 ¼인치 두께로 밀고 1인치 쿠키 커터를 사용하여 쿠키를 자릅니다.
- 쿠키 시트에 25분 동안 굽습니다.
- 매일 1회 제공.
관절염 강아지를 위한 호박 심황 간식
대략적인 배치당 비용: $13.70
- 1파운드 사슴 고기
- 귀리 1컵
- 1캔 유기농 호박 퓌레
- 체중 5파운드당 강황 75-100mg
- 계란 2개
- 아마씨 가루 1컵
- 오븐을 250도로 예열합니다.
- 재료를 결합합니다.
- 도우에서 간식 45개를 잘라냅니다.
- 3시간 굽습니다.
- 1개 먹이기
관절염 강아지를 위한 로즈마리 심황 간식
대략적인 배치당 비용: $3.00
- 아마씨 가루 1/3컵
- 귀리 가루 1½컵
- 1 큰술. 당밀
- 계란 1개
- 2 큰술. 알팔파 잎 분말
- 1 큰술. 마른 로즈마리
- 1티스푼. 심황
- 오븐을 350도로 예열합니다.
- 건조 재료를 함께 섞습니다.
- 젖은 재료를 추가합니다.
- 필요한 경우 1작은술을 추가합니다. 반죽에 물을 한 번에 적셔주세요.
- 반죽을 치댄 다음 ¼인치 시트로 굴립니다.
- 쿠키 커터를 사용하여 반죽을 자릅니다.
- 쿠키 시트에 과자를 20분 동안 굽습니다.
- 매일 1회 제공.
관절 건강을 위한 수제 치킨 육포
대략적인 배치당 비용: $7.00
- 오븐을 200도로 예열합니다.
- 닭의 지방과 힘줄을 잘라냅니다.
- 닭을 비교적 얇은 조각으로 자릅니다.
- 치킨 스트립을 베이킹 시트에 놓고 2시간 동안 굽습니다.
- 치킨이 육포와 같은 일관성을 유지하는지 확인하고, 그렇지 않은 경우 조금 더 익혀주세요.
- 육포를 식히십시오.
- 매일 1회 제공합니다.
- 나머지 스트립은 밀폐 용기에 담아 냉장고에 보관하세요.
암에 걸린 개를 위한 16가지 수제 개밥 요리법
암에 걸린 개를 위한 치킨 비프 패티
대략적인 배치당 비용: $33.50
- 2파운드 간 쇠고기
- 갈은 닭고기 2파운드
- 씨가 없는 사과 1개
- 날달걀 3개
- 당근 2개
- 생염소 우유 2컵
- 입방체 호박 1개
- 2개의 큐브 고구마
- 케일 2컵
- 푸드 프로세서에 재료를 넣고 잘 처리합니다.
- 혼합물을 식사 크기의 패티로 나누어 얼립니다.
- 수유 전에 필요에 따라 해동합니다.
*개는 매일 체중의 2%에서 4% 사이를 섭취하며, 성인 개는 평균적으로 2%를 섭취하고 활동량이 많은 개는 4%를 섭취합니다.*
암에 걸린 개를 위한 케일 버거
대략적인 배치당 비용: $6.50
- ½파운드 살짝 갈색으로 된 갈은 소고기
- 현미밥 1컵
- 케일 ½컵
- 1 큰술. 지상 아마씨
- ½ 큰술. 뼈 식사
- 다진 마늘 2쪽
- 1티스푼. 올리브 오일
- ¼ tsp. 심황
- ¼ tsp. 백리향
- ¼ tsp. 후추
- 큰 프라이팬에 기름을 넣고 중불로 가열합니다.
- 마늘을 넣고 살짝 갈색이 되도록 합니다.
- 삶은 고기, 향신료, 케일, 물 2컵을 넣습니다. 5분간 볶습니다.
- 쌀을 넣고 불을 끄고 프라이팬을 불에서 내립니다.
- 아마씨와 뼛가루를 섞습니다.
- 일상적인 크기로 제공
암에 걸린 개를 위한 사슴 고기 식사
대략적인 배치당 비용: $16.25
- 갈은 사슴고기
- 1 큰술. 뼈 식사
- 유기농 플레인 요구르트 ½컵
- 1개의 씨를 뿌리고 깍둑썰기한 순한 고추
- 현미밥 1컵
- 다진 호박 1개
- 1 큰술. 지상 아마씨
- 1티스푼. 올리브 오일
- 작은 붉은 피망 ¼컵
- 다진 마늘 2쪽
- 물 2½컵
- 수프 냄비에 기름을 중불로 가열
- 검은 사슴 고기
- 호박, 물, 후추, 마늘을 추가합니다.
- 20분 동안 끓입니다.
- 불을 끄고 식히십시오.
- 식으면 뼛가루, 아마씨, 요구르트, 쌀을 넣고 저어주세요.
- 일상적인 크기로 제공
암에 걸린 개를 위한 허니 치킨
대략적인 배치당 비용: $47.00
- 요리하고 물기를 뺀 닭고기
- 다진 삶은 달걀 3개
- 다진 호박 2컵
- 다진 호박 2컵
- 다진 브로콜리 2컵
- 다진 케일 2컵
- 다진 시금치 2컵
- 물을 빼고 으깬 짙은 붉은 강낭콩 3캔
- 코코넛 오일 ¾컵
- 꿀 ½컵
- 2갤런의 물
- 큰 수프 냄비에 모든 재료를 섞습니다.
- 잘 섞이도록 혼합합니다.
- 정상적인 양의 식사를 제공합니다.
- 남은 음식을 얼리고 필요에 따라 해동
암에 걸린 개를 위한 오렌지 치킨
대략적인 배치당 비용: $20.00
- 1 ½파운드 갈은 닭고기
- 1 ½ 큰술. 뼈 식사
- ¼ 파운드 브로콜리 작은 꽃
- 귤 1개
- 씨가 있고 늑골이 있는 순한 고추 1개
- 다진 고구마 1개
- 코코넛 오일 ¼컵
- 다진 표고버섯 ¼파운드
- ¼ 파운드 깍둑썰기한 호박
- 다진 마늘 4쪽
- 1 큰술. 지상 아마씨
- ¼ tsp. 로즈마리
- ¼ tsp. 후추
- ¼ tsp. 백리향
- 수프 냄비에 고기, 물, 향신료를 넣고 중불로 끓입니다.
- 20분 동안 끓입니다.
- 과일과 채소를 넣고 부드러워질 때까지 요리합니다.
- 냄비를 불에서 내려 식힙니다.
- 뼈가루, 아마씨, 코코넛 오일을 섞습니다.
- 일상적인 크기로 제공
암에 걸린 개를 위한 칠면조와 고구마 미트볼
대략적인 배치당 비용: $9.80
- 땅 칠면조
- 달걀 2개
- 익힌 고구마 1개
- 신선한 마늘 2쪽
- 1 큰술. 뼈 식사
- 씨를 넣고 깍둑썰기한 순한 고추 1개
- 2 큰술. 올리브 오일
- 1 큰술. 지상 아마씨
- 1티스푼. 신선한 깍둑썰기한 백리향
- 1티스푼. 깍둑썰기한 신선한 로즈마리
- 오븐을 350도로 예열합니다.
- 재료를 잘 섞는다.
- 혼합물을 1인치 공으로 굴립니다.
- 쿠키 시트에서 45분 동안 굽습니다.
- 일상적인 크기로 제공
암에 걸린 개를 위한 참치와 새우
대략적인 배치당 비용: $17.50
- 잘게 다진 새우
- 12온스. 참치 통조림
- 1개 익힌 으깬 고구마
- 다진 마늘 2쪽
- 일반 유기농 요구르트 ½컵
- ¼ tsp. 후추
- ¼ tsp. 백리향
- ¼ tsp. 심황
- 재료를 한데 모아 패티를 만듭니다.
- 일상적인 크기로 제공
암에 걸린 개를 위한 쇠고기 스튜
대략적인 배치당 비용: $12.90
- 간 쇠고기
- 1 큰술. 뼈 식사
- 날달걀 2개
- 멸치 필레 4개
- 저염 닭고기 육수 ¼컵
- 다진 스쿼시 ½컵
- 1/3 컵 으깬 진한 붉은 강낭콩
- 1 큰술. 올리브 오일
- 코코넛 오일 1/3컵
- 1 큰술. 지상 아마씨
- 다진 마늘 2쪽
- ¼ tsp. 백리향
- ¼ tsp. 바질
- ¼ tsp. 후추
- ¼ tsp. 심황
- 중불에서 큰 프라이팬에 올리브 오일을 가열합니다.
- 갈은 쇠고기와 사슴 고기, 갈색을 추가합니다.
- 야채, 향신료, 마늘, 육수를 추가합니다. 부드러워질 때까지 요리하십시오.
- 불에서 프라이팬을 꺼내 식힙니다.
- 뼈가루, 강낭콩, 아마씨, 코코넛 오일, 날달걀을 넣고 저어줍니다.
- 일상적인 크기로 제공
암에 걸린 개를 위한 강황 연어
대략적인 배치당 비용: $18.80
- 연어 필레
- 잘게 썬 양배추 ½컵
- 다진 스쿼시 ½컵
- 2 큰술. 심황 식초
- ½ 티스푼. 갓 간 생강
- ½ 티스푼. 딜 씨앗
- 오븐을 350도로 예열합니다.
- 호박으로 베이킹 접시의 바닥을 긋습니다.
- 양배추로 호박을 덮습니다.
- 연어를 양배추 위에 올려 놓습니다.
- 남은 재료를 그 위에 뿌립니다.
- 40분 동안 굽습니다.
- 일상적인 크기로 제공
암에 걸린 개를 위한 쇠고기, 간, 쌀
대략적인 배치당 비용: $18.50
- 살코기 갈은 소고기
- 1/3lb. 쇠고기 간
- 쌀 1 1/3컵
- 4 큰술. 코코넛 오일
- 어유 9개
- ¾ tsp. 뼛가루
- 3g. 굴 껍질 칼슘 정제
- 1/3티스푼. 염화칼륨
- 비타민/미량 미네랄 보충제 1인분
- 포장 지시에 따라 쌀을 요리하고 물에 염화칼륨을 첨가합니다.
- 소고기를 삶아 물기를 뺀다.
- 소 간을 삶아서 잘게 썬다.
- 굴 껍질 칼슘 정제와 비타민 보충제를 갈아서 사용하십시오.
- 이 재료들을 함께 섞으세요.
- 일상적인 크기로 제공
암에 걸린 강아지의 식욕 부진을 위한 닭고기 육수
대략적인 배치당 비용: $13.70
- 닭다리 4분의 1
- 마른 월계수잎 2장
- 4쪽 마늘
- 다진 고구마 1개
- 셀러리 줄기 2개
- 1 큰술. 검은 후추
- 1갤런 물
- 올리브 오일에 살짝 갈색빛이 나는 닭가슴살
- 닭을 냄비에 나머지 재료와 함께 넣고 중불에서 1시간 끓입니다.
- 체에 부어 걸러냅니다.
- 냉장고에서 육수를 식히십시오.
- 다른 식사를 위해 닭고기와 야채를 예약하세요.
- 원하는 대로 국물을 차갑거나 따뜻하게 제공합니다.
암에 걸린 개를 위한 칠면조와 계란
대략적인 배치당 비용: $9.50
- 다진 칠면조 요리 ½컵
- 완숙 계란 2개
- 현미밥 1컵
- 1컵의 찐 브로콜리와 콜리플라워 믹스
- 코티지 치즈 ½컵
- 1티스푼. flaxseed oil
- Add the ingredients to a blender and blend together.
- Form patties.
- Feed a routine-sized
Beef and Liver Meal for Dogs with Cancer
Approximate Cost per Batch: $10.50
- lean ground beef
- 1/3 lb. beef liver
- 1 cup cooked brown rice
- 1 큰술. 코코넛 오일
- 1 큰술. 올리브 오일
- Heat the olive oil in a large skillet.
- Brown the ground beef and cook the liver.
- Allow meat to cool.
- Chop the liver.
- Mix together all ingredients and serve a routine-sized
Tropical Salmon Meal for Dogs with Cancer
Approximate Cost per Batch: $20.00
- Atlantic wild salmon
- 1 ½ cup cooked brown rice
- ½ cup ground almonds
- 1 cup blueberries
- 1 cup chopped mango
- 1 cup chopped apple (seeds removed)
- 5 tsp. safflower oil
- 1 큰술. salmon oil
- 1 큰술. 올리브 오일
- Preheat the oven to 250 degrees.
- Put salmon on a baking tray and rub with olive oil.
- Bake salmon 18 – 20 mins.
- Let salmon cool.
- Combine ingredients together.
- Serve a routine-sized
Tropical Fruit Treats for Dogs with Cancer
Approximate Cost per Batch: $13.70
- 16 tangerines (juiced)
- ½ cup diced papaya
- 1 mashed banana
- ½ cup plain organic yogurt
- Puree the ingredients in a blender.
- Pour puree into an ice cube tray and freeze.
- Serve 1 treat daily.
Applesauce Treats for Dogs with Cancer
Approximate Cost per Batch: $4.75
- 1 큰술. all natural, sugar-free apple sauce
- ½ cup rolled oats
- 2 ½ cups quinoa flour
- 1/3 cup fresh chopped parsley
- 2 큰술. fresh chopped mint
- ¼ tsp. fresh minced garlic
- 물 1컵
- Preheat the oven to 350 degrees.
- Combine ingredients well to form a dough.
- Roll dough to ¼” thick.
- Use a 1” cookie cutter to shape treats.
- Bake for 25 minutes.
- Feed 1 cookie daily.
17 Homemade Dog Food Recipes for Dogs with Diabetes
Chicken and Vegetable Meal for Dogs with Diabetes
Approximate Cost per Batch: $9.00
- 2 cups cooked chopped chicken breast
- 2 cups cooked long grain brown rice
- ½ cup lightly steamed mixed vegetables
- ½ cup lightly steamed green beans
- ½ cup cottage cheese
- Combine cooled ingredients together.
- Serve a routine-sized
Chicken, Barley, and Green Beans for Dogs with Diabetes
Approximate Cost per Batch: $54.75
- 5 lb. boiled chicken, shredded
- 11 hardboiled eggs, chopped
- 24 oz. pearl barley, cooked
- thawed frozen green beans, chopped.
- Combine cooled ingredients and mix well.
- Serve a routine-sized
- Freeze remaining food and defrost as needed.
Chicken Stew for Diabetic Dogs
Approximate Cost per Batch: $35.00
- 4 lb. skinless, boneless chicken breast
- 1 cup pearl barley
- 1 ¾ lb. diced tomatoes
- 1 lb. fresh chopped green beans
- 1 lb. chopped fresh broccoli and cauliflower mix
- 물 4컵
- 2 큰술. 올리브 오일
- Combine the water and barley in a Dutch oven.
- Add chicken and olive oil.
- Simmer ingredients for 40 mins.
- Take chicken out to cool.
- Add vegetables to the Dutch oven and cook until tender.
- Chop cooked chicken and combine with the rest of the ingredients.
- Let cool before serving a routine-sized portion.
- Freeze the remaining food and defrost as needed.
Turkey and Brown Rice Meal for Diabetic Dogs
Approximate Cost per Batch: $30.50
- 4 lb. cooked, drained ground turkey
- 7 cups cooked brown rice
- 1 cup chopped fresh broccoli
- 1 cup fresh chopped green beans
- 2 큰술. Italian dressing
- 2 cups water
- Add 2 cups of the rice to a blender with 2 cups water, Italian dressing, and vegetables. Blend until smooth.
- Combine blended mix with remaining turkey and rice.
- Serve a routine-sized portion.
- Freeze remaining food and defrost as needed.
Chuck and Barley Stew for Diabetic Dogs
Approximate Cost per Batch: $22.00
- 3 lb. chopped chuck beef
- 1 lb. pearl barley
- 2 lb. chopped potatoes
- 2 lb. chopped carrots
- ½ bunch celery, chopped
- 4 quarts water
- Add the beef, potatoes, celery, and carrots to a stock pot.
- Cover ingredients with the water.
- Cook on high heat for 1 hour.
- After 1 hour when the mixture is boiling, add the barley.
- Cook for 30 minutes.
- Cool completely before serving a routine-sized portion.
- Refrigerate or freeze remaining food and use as needed.
Turkey and Egg Meal for Diabetic Dogs
Approximate Cost per Batch: $5.00
- ½ cup chopped cooked turkey
- 2 ¾ cups cooked brown rice
- 1 hardboiled egg, chopped
- ¼ cup chopped lightly steamed squash.
- Combine cooled ingredients and mix well.
- Serve a routine-sized
- Refrigerate remaining food
Beef and Cottage Cheese Meal for Dogs with Diabetes
Approximate Cost per Batch: $4.50
- ¼ lb. ground lean beef
- 2 cups chopped fresh green beans
- 2 cups chopped fresh carrots
- ½ cup cottage cheese
- Brown the beef in a skillet and drain off fat.
- Let the beef cool.
- Lightly steam the green beans and carrots.
- Let the vegetables cool.
- Combine all ingredients and mix well.
- Serve a routine-sized
Chicken, Carrots, and Pasta for Diabetic Dogs
Approximate Cost per Batch: $5.75
- 1 ¼ cup ground chicken
- 1 cup cooked pasta
- ½ cup chopped carrots
- ½ 티스푼. lite salt
- ½ 티스푼. corn oil
- ½ 티스푼. bone meal
- Cook the chicken in a skillet using the corn oil.
- Steam the vegetables lightly.
- Combine the cooked chicken, pasta, and vegetables.
- Stir in the salt and bone meal.
- Cool before serving a routine-sized portion.
- Refrigerate the remaining food
Minced Chicken and Rice for Diabetic Dogs
Approximate Cost per Batch: $9.50
- ½ cup ground chicken
- 1 cup white rice
- ¼ cup chopped carrots
- ¼ cup chopped green beans
- ½ tbsp. corn oil
- ¼ tsp. lite salt
- 1티스푼. bone meal
- Boil water for the rice.
- Add the corn oil, rice, and salt to the water.
- Simmer for 15 mins.
- Add the rest of the ingredients to the pot and stir.
- Simmer for 10 minutes.
- Remove the pot from the heat and allow the ingredients to cool.
- Serve a routine-sized portion and refrigerate the leftover food.
Chicken, Chickpea, and Pumpkin Meal for Dogs with Diabetes
Approximate Cost per Batch: $52.00
- 5 lb. boneless, skinless chicken breast, cubed
- 1 lb. ground turkey
- 29 oz. organic pumpkin puree
- 1 lb. pearl barley
- 2 lb. rinsed black eyed peas
- 4 lb. rinsed split chickpeas
- 2 lb. rinsed brown lentils
- 2 lb. rinsed split green peas
- 32 oz. frozen sliced carrots
- 20 oz. frozen chopped spinach
- 32 oz. frozen broccoli florets
- 32 oz. frozen chopped green beans
- 7 quarts’ water
- Boil the water in a large soup pot.
- Add the barley, black-eyed peas, chickpeas, brown lentils, and green split peas to the pot. Turn the heat down to medium.
- Cook until the lentils are half way done.
- Add the cubed chicken breast and turkey.
- Cook until lentils are almost cooked through.
- Mix in the pumpkin and vegetables.
- Turn the heat down to medium-low and cook until almost all of the liquid has been absorbed.
- Allow the mixture to cool.
- Serve a routine-sized portion.
- Freeze the remaining food and thaw as needed
Turkey and Oats Meal for Dogs with Diabetes
Approximate Cost per Batch: $32
- 2 lb. ground turkey, boiled
- 16 cups plain oatmeal, cooked
- 1 cup lightly steamed broccoli
- 2 fresh garlic cloves, minced
- 1티스푼. Tamari soy sauce
- 식물성 기름 ¼컵
- 3 큰술. bone meal
- 400 IU vitamin E
- ½ cup vitamin powder (Mix together 1 cup lecithin granules, 1 cup nutritional yeast, ¼ cup bone meal, ¼ cup kelp powder, 1,000mg powdered vitamin C)
- Combine cooled ingredients and stir to mix.
- Serve a routine-sized portion.
- Freeze the remaining food, defrost as needed.
Chicken and Pasta for Diabetic Dogs
Approximate Cost per Batch: $6.00
- 2 cups skinless, boneless chicken breast
- ½ cup pasta
- ½ 티스푼. bone meal
- ½ 티스푼. lite salt
- ½ tbsp. corn oil
- Boil the chicken breast until cooked through.
- Cook pasta.
- Combine all of the ingredients and mix well.
- Serve a routine-sized portion and refrigerate the remaining food.
Sirloin Beef and Vegetables for Diabetic Dogs
Approximate Cost per Batch: $38.25
- 6 lb. cubed sirloin tip roast
- 4 cups brown rice
- 3 cups rye
- 2 cups chopped celery
- 10 oz. fresh chopped spinach
- 3 cups chopped carrots
- 1 bunch chopped broccoli
- 3 minced garlic cloves
- 10 ½ cups low sodium beef broth
- 10 ½ cups water
- Add the water, broth, garlic, and beef to a large soup pot.
- Simmer the pot on high heat for 20 mins.
- Remove beef from the pot.
- Add rye to the pot, cover, and simmer for 40 mins.
- Add rice, cover, simmer for 15 mins.
- Remove the pot from the heat and let stand until all of the water and broth is absorbed.
- In a large food-safe container, mix the raw vegetables with the beef.
- Add the warm rice mixture to the container, covering the vegetables to lightly steam them.
- Serve a routine-sized portion and freeze the rest. Defrost as needed.
Egg-Based Diet for Diabetic Dogs
Approximate Cost per Batch: $4.00
- 2 hardboiled eggs, chopped
- 1 cup cooked brown rice
- 8온스. macaroni, cooked
- 10 oz. chopped broccoli, steamed
- 10 oz. chopped carrots, steamed
- Mix together the cooled cooked ingredients.
- Serve a routine-sized portion.
- Refrigerate any leftover food.
Kidney Beans, Turkey, and Rice for Diabetic Dogs
Approximate Cost per Batch: $7.50
- 2 cups ground turkey
- 2 cups cooked brown rice
- 1 beaten egg
- 1 cup drained canned kidney beans
- 1 큰술. 올리브 오일
- 1/8 tsp. 요오드화 소금
- 1 capsule (10,000 IU) Vitamin A
- 1 capsule (10,000 IU) Vitamin B
- Brown the turkey in a skillet.
- Empty the vitamin A and vitamin B capsules into the meat. Stir.
- Combine the rest of the ingredients with the cooked turkey.
- Serve a routine-sized
- Refrigerate the remaining food.
Beef, Rice, and Barley for Diabetic Dogs
Approximate Cost per Batch: $52.50
- 6 lb. lean grown beef
- 5 cups brown rice
- 5 cups pearl barley
- 1 cup diced green beans
- 1 cup chopped spinach
- 24 cups water
- Add all of the ingredients to a large soup pot.
- Bring to a boil over high heat.
- Once boiling, reduce heat to simmer.
- Cook until liquid is absorbed.
- Cool before serving a routine-sized portion.
- Freeze remaining food until needed
Liver and Egg Treats for Dogs with Diabetes
Approximate Cost per Batch: $5.00
- 1 ½ lb. chopped beef liver
- ½ cup whole wheat flour
- 계란 2개
- Preheat the oven to 350 degrees.
- Chop the liver in a food processor.
- Add the eggs and flour to the processor and blend until smooth.
- Spread mixture on a parchment lined cookie sheet.
- Bake for 15 mins.
- Serve one daily.
- Store remaining treats in an airtight container in the refrigerator.
38 Homemade Dog Food Recipes for Dogs with Digestive Disorders
Chicken Casserole for Delicate Tummies
Approximate Cost per Batch: $10.50
- 4 boneless, skinless chicken breasts
- 4 cups low-sodium chicken broth
- ½ cup rolled oats
- ½ cup fresh chopped carrots
- ½ cup fresh chopped green beans
- ½ cup fresh chopped broccoli
- Trim and chop the chicken breasts into small pieces.
- Cook the chicken in a skillet.
- Add the cooked chicken to a large saucepan with the oats, vegetables, and chicken broth.
- Cook over medium heat until the carrots are cooked through but not mushy.
- Cool before serving a routine-sized portion.
- Store any leftover food in the refrigerator.
Chicken Broth and Beef for Recovery in Dogs with Digestive Concerns
Approximate Cost per Batch: $4.25
- 2 cups low-sodium chicken stock or bone broth
- ½ cup lean ground beef, boiled and drained
- 1 cup white rice
- 2 cups water
- Combine the ingredients in a large saucepan.
- Bring to a boil over high heat.
- Reduce heat to simmer, cover pan, and cook until rice is fluffy.
- Cool before serving a routine-sized portion.
- Refrigerate leftovers.
Sweet Potato and Beef Stew for Dogs with Digestive Concerns
Approximate Cost per Batch: $7.75
- cubed beef stew meat
- ½ cup fresh diced carrots
- 1 sweet potato
- ½ cup fresh diced green beans
- ½ cup all-purpose flour
- ½ cup water
- 1 큰술. vegetable oil
- Bake the sweet potato and allow it to cool.
- Dice the stew meat into smaller chunks if needed.
- Cook the stew meat in a skillet with the vegetable oil over medium-high heat.
- Dice the cooked sweet potato.
- Remove the beef from the skillet and set aside.
- Add the flour and water to the pan with the beef fat and stir. Continue to stir over heat until a gravy forms.
- Add the vegetables and beef to the gravy and stir.
- Cook until the vegetables are fork tender.
- Allow cooling before serving a routine-sized portion.
- Refrigerate any leftovers.
Chicken and Beans for Dogs with Digestive Concerns
Approximate Cost per Batch: $14.50
- 4 skinless, boneless chicken breasts
- 4 cups low-sodium chicken broth
- 1 cup canned black beans, drained and rinsed
- 1 cup canned dark red kidney beans, drained and rinsed
- ½ cup tomato paste
- 1 cup fresh diced carrots
- Trim fat and tendons off the chicken and dice the meat.
- Cook the chicken in a skillet over medium-high heat until cooked through.
- Put the cooked chicken in a large soup pot with the rest of the ingredients.
- Bring the soup pot contents to a boil.
- Reduce heat to simmer for 10 minutes.
- Allow the soup to cool before serving a routine-sized portion.
- Refrigerate any leftovers.
Beef, Barley, and Broccoli for Dogs with Pancreatitis
Approximate Cost per Batch: $8.25
- 1 cup stew beef
- ¾ cup barley
- ½ cup no-fat cottage cheese
- ½ cup broccoli
- ¼ cup zucchini
- Cook the barley according to the package instructions.
- Dice the stew beef into smaller pieces if needed.
- Cook the beef in a skillet until cooked through.
- Lightly steam the zucchini and broccoli.
- Mash the zucchini and broccoli together.
- Let ingredients cool completely and then mix together.
- Serve a routine-sized portion and refrigerate any leftovers.
Turkey and Veggies for Dogs with Digestive Concerns
Approximate Cost per Batch: $11.00
- 1 lb. ground turkey
- 현미 2컵
- 1 cup fresh chopped green beans
- 1 cup fresh chopped carrots
- 물 4컵
- Cook the turkey in a skillet over medium heat until browned.
- Move the turkey to a large saucepan and add the water and rice.
- Bring the saucepan up to a boil over high heat.
- Once boiling, reduce heat to a simmer and cook until the rice is done.
- Add the vegetables to the mixture and stir. Cook for 8 more minutes.
- Remove the pan from the heat and allow to cool.
- Serve a routine-sized portion and refrigerate any leftovers.
Chicken and Rice for Dogs with Digestive Concerns
Approximate Cost per Batch: $4.00
- 2 cups low-sodium chicken stock or bone broth
- 1 cup cooked, diced chicken
- 1 cup white rice
- 2 cups water
- Combine the ingredients in a large saucepan.
- Bring to a boil over high heat.
- Reduce heat to simmer, cover pan, and cook until rice is fluffy.
- Cool before serving a routine-sized portion.
- Refrigerate leftovers.
Egg White, Egg and Rice for Dogs with Digestive Problems
Approximate Cost per Batch: $5.00
- 6 whole eggs
- 6 egg whites
- 4 cups white rice
- 물 8컵
- Add the rice and water to a saucepan and bring to a boil.
- Reduce heat and simmer until the rice is fluffy.
- Remove the pan from the heat and let cool.
- Beat the egg whites and whole eggs in a mixing bowl.
- Scramble the eggs in a skillet.
- Add the eggs to the cooled rice.
- Serve a routine-sized portion and refrigerate the leftover food.
Tapioca and Tofu for Dogs with Diarrhea, Lactose Intolerance, and Grain Intolerance
Approximate Cost per Batch: $7.50
- 5 oz. plain tofu
- 4 cups tapioca
- ¼ tsp. 소금
- Potassium chloride (measured according to the dog’s weight)
- Calcium carbonate (measured according to the dog’s weight)
- Cook the tapioca according to package instructions, adding the salt and potassium chloride to the water.
- Allow the tapioca to cool.
- Chop the tofu finely and combine with the cooled tapioca.
- Mix in the calcium carbonate.
- Serve a routine-sized Refrigerate any leftovers.
Tapioca and Tofu for Dogs with Lactose Intolerance and Grain Intolerance
Approximate Cost per Batch: $8.00
- 5 oz. plain tofu
- 4 cups tapioca
- ¼ tsp. 소금
- Potassium chloride (measured according to the dog’s weight)
- Bone meal (measured according to the dog’s weight)
- 1 Multivitamin tablet (measured according to the dog’s weight and vitamin brand)
- Cook the tapioca according to package instructions, adding the salt and potassium chloride to the water.
- Allow the tapioca to cool.
- Chop the tofu finely and combine with the cooled tapioca.
- Mix in the bone meal and multivitamin.
- Serve a routine-sized Refrigerate any leftovers.
Chicken Neck Soup for Dogs with Digestive Concerns
Approximate Cost per Batch: $12.50
- 3 lb. mixed chicken necks and chicken backs
- 3 shiitake mushrooms
- 2 diced stalks of celery
- 2 minced garlic cloves
- Handful of Italian parsley
- 2 diced carrots
- 1 grated knob of ginger
- 1 큰술. sea salt
- 12 white peppercorns
- A dash of rosemary
- A dash of thyme
- Add all of the ingredients to a large soup pot.
- Bring the pot to a boil on high heat.
- Remove the foam from the top of the pot and reduce the heat to a simmer.
- Cook for 8 hours.
- Allow cooling before refrigerating overnight.
- Remove the fat from the top of the pot.
- Strain the broth and throw out the solid contents (or serve to humans!)
- Serve the broth warm in a routine-sized
- Refrigerate any leftovers.
Chinese Porridge for Dogs with Digestive Concerns
Approximate Cost per Batch: $3
- 1 cup Thai jasmine rice
- 1 cup organic pumpkin puree
- 물 3컵
- Add the water and rice to a large saucepan and bring to a boil.
- Reduce the heat to simmer.
- Cook until most of the water is absorbed.
- Allow the rice to cool.
- Combine the rice with the pumpkin puree.
- Serve a routine-sized portion and refrigerate any leftovers.
Beef in the Slow Cooker for Dogs with Digestive Concerns
Approximate Cost per Batch: $20.50
- 2 ½ lb. lean ground beef
- 15온스. can dark red kidney beans, drained and rinsed
- 1 ½ cups brown rice
- 1 ½ cups diced carrots
- 1 ½ cups diced squash
- ½ cup garden peas
- 물 4컵
- Add all of the ingredients to a crockpot and put the lid on.
- Cook on low for 6 hours, stirring periodically.
- Turn off heat and allow to cool before serving.
- Serve a routine-sized portion and refrigerate leftovers.
Brown Rice and Turkey for Dogs with Digestive Issues
Approximate Cost per Batch: $10.25
- 1 lb. ground turkey
- 현미 2컵
- 16 oz. frozen mixed vegetables
- 1티스푼. rosemary, dried
- 6 cups water
- In a large soup pot over high heat, combine the turkey, water, rice, and rosemary.
- Bring to a boil.
- Reduce the heat to a simmer.
- Simmer for 20 mins.
- Add the vegetables and cook for 5 minutes.
- Remove the pot from the heat and cool.
- Serve a routine-sized portion and refrigerate any leftovers.
Rice and Tofu for Dogs with Diarrhea and Lactose Intolerance
Approximate Cost per Batch: $4.75
- 5 oz. plain tofu
- 4 cups white rice
- ¼ tsp. 소금
- Potassium chloride (measured according to the dog’s weight)
- Calcium carbonate (measured according to the dog’s weight)
- Cook the rice according to package instructions, adding the salt and potassium chloride to the water.
- Allow the rice to cool.
- Chop the tofu finely and combine with the cooled rice.
- Mix in the calcium carbonate.
- Serve a routine-sized Refrigerate any leftovers.
Rice and Tofu for Dogs with Lactose Intolerance and Digestive Concerns
Approximate Cost per Batch: $5.25
- 5 oz. plain tofu
- 4 cups white rice
- ¼ tsp. 소금
- Potassium chloride (measured according to the dog’s weight)
- Bone meal (measured according to the dog’s weight)
- 1 Multivitamin tablet (measured according to the dog’s weight and vitamin brand)
- Cook the rice according to package instructions, adding the salt and potassium chloride to the water.
- Allow the rice to cool.
- Chop the tofu finely and combine with the cooled rice.
- Mix in the bone meal and multivitamin.
- Serve a routine-sized Refrigerate any leftovers.
Rice and Cottage Cheese Diet for Dogs with Diarrhea
Approximate Cost per Batch: $3.50
- 2 cups white rice
- 2/3 cup low fat cottage cheese
- Potassium chloride (measured according to the dog’s weight)
- Calcium carbonate tablets (measured according to the dog’s weight)
- Cook the rice according to the package directions, adding the potassium chloride to the water.
- Allow the cooked rice to cool.
- Break down the calcium carbonate tablets and mix into the rice along with the cottage cheese.
- Feed a routine-sized portion and refrigerate any leftovers.
Meat and Vegetables for the Picky Eater
Approximate Cost per Batch: $15.60
- 1 lb. ground beef
- 1 lb. pig heart, diced
- 8온스. chicken livers, diced
- 2 cups white rice
- 1 lb. sweet potato
- bag frozen broccoli, carrot, and cauliflower mix
- Add all of the ingredients to a large soup pot and cover with water.
- Bring to a boil over high heat.
- Reduce heat to a simmer and cook until all ingredients are cooked through.
- Allow the pot to cool before serving a routine-sized portion.
- Refrigerate or freeze any leftovers.
Rice and Cottage Cheese Diet for Dogs with Gastrointestinal Problems
Approximate Cost per Batch: $4.00
- 2 cups white rice
- 2/3 cup low fat cottage cheese
- 1티스푼. 코코넛 오일
- Bone meal powder (measured according to the dog’s weight)
- Potassium chloride (measured according to the dog’s weight)
- 1 Multivitamin tablet (measured according to the dog’s weight and vitamin brand)
- Cook the rice according to the package instructions, adding the potassium chloride to the water.
- Allow the cooked rice to cool.
- Mix the bone meal powder, cottage cheese, rice, and multivitamin tablet together.
- Serve a routine-sized portion and refrigerate any leftovers.
Green Beans, Chicken, and Rice for Recovering Dogs
Approximate Cost per Batch: $10.00
- 1 whole roasting chicken
- 2 cups white rice
- fresh chopped green beans.
- Cover the chicken with water and boil in a large soup pot until cooked through.
- Let the cooked chicken cool before removing the meat from the carcass.
- Add the white rice and green beans to the water used to boil the chicken and turn the heat down to a simmer.
- Simmer until the rice is cooked through and the vegetables are tender.
- Add the chicken back into the pot and allow the ingredients to cool.
- Serve a routine-sized portion and refrigerate or freeze any leftovers.
Chicken Broth and Rice for Recovery in Dogs with Digestive Concerns
Approximate Cost per Batch: $2.50
- 2 cups low-sodium chicken stock or bone broth
- 1 cup white rice
- 2 cups water
- Combine the ingredients in a large saucepan.
- Bring to a boil over high heat.
- Reduce heat to simmer, cover pan, and cook until rice is fluffy.
- Cool before serving a routine-sized portion.
- Refrigerate leftovers.
Chicken Fish Stew for Picky Eaters
Approximate Cost per Batch: $28.25
- 2 lb. ground chicken
- 2 cans mackerel in water
- 8 cups brown rice
- 16 oz. ricotta cheese
- 15온스. organic canned pumpkin
- 12온스. bag frozen chopped spinach, thawed
- 12온스. bag frozen cauliflower florets, thawed
- 12온스. bag frozen broccoli florets, thawed
- ¾ cup ground flaxseed
- 24 cups water
- Boil a large soup pot of water.
- Add the chicken, rice, and carrots to the boiling water and reduce the heat to a simmer.
- Cook the chicken mixture until all the water has been absorbed.
- Finely chop the thawed broccoli and cauliflower florets.
- Add the broccoli, cauliflower, spinach, and fish with juice to the pot and stir.
- Heat through, add more water if it becomes too thick.
- Allow the pot to cool.
- Once cooled, add in the ricotta cheese, flaxseed, and pumpkin to the pot and stir to mix.
- Serve a routine-sized portion and refrigerate or freeze any leftovers.
Chicken, Beef, and Rice for Picky Eaters
Approximate Cost per Batch: $25.50
- 2 lb. ground beef
- 1 roaster chicken
- 2 tins sardines in water
- 2 cups white rice
- 1 lb. diced carrots.
- 2 minced garlic cloves
- Brown the ground beef in a skillet and drain.
- Roast the chicken in the oven.
- Allow the meats to cool.
- Once cooled, chop up the chicken.
- Cook the white rice according to the package directions.
- Lightly steam the carrots.
- Once all ingredients have cooled, combine them and mix well.
- Add the garlic to the food and stir.
- Serve a routine-sized portion and refrigerate or freeze any leftovers.
Bone Broth for Dogs with Digestive Concerns
Approximate Cost per Batch: $6.00
- A bag of marrow bones/soup bones
- 3 큰술. apple cider vinegar
- Water
- Add the marrow bones to a large slow cooker.
- Cover the bones with water until they are covered with at least 3” of water.
- Add 3 tbsp. apple cider vinegar.
- Put the lid on the slow cooker and cook on low heat for 24 hours.
- Sieve out all bones and fragments and throw them away.
- Let the broth cool.
- Refrigerate the broth for at least 4 hours.
- Remove the hard layer of fat on top of the broth.
- Reheat to warm before serving a routine-sized portion.
- Refrigerate any leftovers.
Meatloaf for Dogs with Pancreatitis
Approximate Cost per Batch: $18.70
- 1 ½ lb. Low-fat ground beef
- 1 cup oats
- 1 small can tomato puree
- 1 cup wheat germ
- 1 diced pieces whole wheat bread
- 2 peeled, grated carrots
- 4 diced sweet potatoes
- 3 chopped celery stalks
- 1 apple, cored and diced
- Preheat the oven to 350 degrees.
- Grease four small loaf pans.
- Combine the ingredients and mix well.
- Press the ingredients into the loaf pans.
- Cook for 80 minutes or until cooked through.
- Cool before serving a routine-sized portion.
- Refrigerate or freeze any leftovers until needed.
Chicken Soup for Dogs with Digestive Concerns
Approximate Cost per Batch: $7.50
- 2 skinless, boneless chicken breasts
- 1 cup diced sweet potato
- 1 cup white rice
- 6 cups water
- Bring the water up to boil in a large saucepan.
- Add the chicken breasts to the boiling water.
- Reduce the heat to a simmer and cook for 45 minutes until the chicken is cooked through.
- Remove the chicken from the pan to cool.
- Add the sweet potato and rice to the water used to cook the chicken. Simmer until the rice and sweet potato are
- Shred the chicken.
- Add the chicken to the cooked sweet potato mixture.
- Remove the pan from the heat and allow the mix to cool.
- Use an immersion blender to cream the soup.
- Serve a routine-sized portion and refrigerate the leftovers.
Yogurt and Pumpkin Puree for Dogs with Soft Stools
Approximate Cost per Batch: $4.75
- ¼ cup organic pumpkin puree
- 3 큰술. organic plain yogurt
- Mix together the pumpkin puree and yogurt.
- Serve throughout the day as tolerated to meet the dog’s caloric requirement.
Chicken, No Grains for Dogs with Pancreatitis
Approximate Cost per Batch: $16.75
- 1 ½ lb. ground chicken
- 2 cups cooked brown lentils
- 1 cup no-fat cottage cheese
- 계란 2개
- 2 cups sweet potato
- 다진 당근 1컵
- 다진 녹두 1컵
- 10 oz. thawed frozen spinach
- 1/8 cup olive oil
- 1/8 cup turmeric
- 1/8 cup fresh chopped rosemary
- ½ cup fresh chopped parsley
- 1/8 cup sage
- 1/8 cup fresh chopped basil
- In a large soup pot, combine all of the ingredients.
- Cover the ingredients with water.
- Heat over medium heat for 30 minutes.
- Reduce to medium heat and cook on a simmer for 1 hour 30 minutes.
- Allow the food to cool before serving.
- Serve a routine-sized portion and refrigerate any leftovers.
Wheat Pasta and Chicken for Dogs with Pancreatitis
Approximate Cost per Batch: $11.75
- ground chicken
- 1 cup whole wheat pasta
- 1 cup broccoli florets, chopped
- 1 cup diced carrot
- 2티스푼. 올리브 오일
- Cook the pasta following the directions on the package.
- Drain the cooked pasta and cool.
- In a large wok, heat the olive oil.
- Add the chicken and vegetables to the heated wok and cook through.
- Add the cooked pasta to the wok ingredients.
- Allow the ingredients to cool before serving a routine-sized portion.
- Store any leftovers in the refrigerator.
Beef and Kale for Dogs with Pancreatitis
Approximate Cost per Batch: $8
- 1 cup stew beef
- ½ cup beef kidney
- ¾ cup oats
- ¼ cup kale, chopped
- ½ cup squash, diced
- Cut the stew beef into smaller pieces if needed.
- Cook the beef in a skillet and drain off the fat.
- Cook the beef kidney and dice once cooked through.
- Lightly steam the squash and kale.
- Cook the oats as though making oatmeal.
- Once all the ingredients are cooked, allow them to cool.
- Combine the cooled ingredients and serve a routine-sized portion.
- Refrigerate any leftovers.
Vegetable Rice Cookies for Dogs with Pancreatitis
Approximate Cost per Batch: $5.00
- 2 ½ cups rice flour
- ½ cup squash
- ½ cup peas
- 6 tbsp. low-sodium, low-fat chicken broth
- Preheat the oven to 350 degrees.
- Combine the ingredients together.
- Add just enough water to moisten the dough.
- Roll out the dough to a ¼” thickness.
- Use a 1” cookie cutter to cut the cookies.
- Place the cookies on a parchment covered baking sheet and bake for 25 minutes.
- Allow the cookies to cool.
- Serve 1 cookie daily.
- Store the remaining cookies in an airtight container.
Mash for Dogs with Diarrhea
Approximate Cost per Batch: $4.25
- 1 skinless boneless chicken breast, boiled
- ½ cup organic pumpkin puree
- 2 큰술. organic plain yogurt
- ½ cup white rice
- ¼ cup warm water
- Cook the rice according to package instructions.
- Shred the chicken and combine with the rice.
- Allow the chicken and rice mixture to cool.
- Combine the pumpkin and yogurt with the rice.
- Water the mixture down with the warm water if it’s too thick.
- Serve warm in a routine-sized
- Refrigerate any leftovers.
Frozen Yogurt Popsicle Treats for Dogs with Delicate Tummies
Approximate Cost per Batch: $2.50
- 6온스. organic plain yogurt
- ½ cup finely shredded carrot
- 1 cup no-sugar-added, all natural apple juice
- Combine the ingredients thoroughly.
- Spoon the ingredients into an ice cube tray.
- Freeze until solid.
- Serve one treat daily.
*Note:Not all dogs can tolerate lactose, if your dog cannot, then avoid this recipe!*
Chicken Treats for Dogs with Pancreatitis
Approximate Cost per Batch: $5.00
- 2 ½ cups rice flour
- 6 tbsp. low-sodium, low-fat chicken broth, room temperature
- ½ cup cooked mashed sweet potato, cooled
- ½ cup cooked mashed squash, cooled
- ½ 티스푼. garlic powder
- Preheat the oven to 350 degrees.
- Combine the ingredients together and mix well.
- Add just enough cold water to create a rollable dough.
- Roll out the dough to ¼” thick.
- Use a 1” cookie cutter to cut the cookies.
- Bake the cookies on a parchment covered cookie sheet for 25 minutes.
- Cool before serving.
- Serve 1 cookie daily.
- Store the remaining cookies in an airtight container.
Pumpkin Sponge for Dogs with Digestive Concerns
Approximate Cost per Batch: $7.50
- 1 cup brown rice flour
- 1 ½ cups whole oat flour
- 3 cups organic pumpkin puree
- 1 큰술. unsweet shredded coconut
- 1티스푼. 캐롭 가루
- ¼ cup ground almonds
- ¼ cup honey
- 1 ½작은술 계피
- 1 ½작은술 ginger
- ½ 티스푼. sea salt
- Preheat the oven to 350 degrees.
- Grease a baking dish.
- Mix the ingredients together to combine.
- Pour the ingredient batter into the greased dish.
- Cook for 1 hour 15 mins.
- Cool before serving.
- Cut into 9 pieces (more if the dog is small) and serve 1 piece daily.
- Store remaining sponge in an airtight container.
Immune Boosting Fruit and Veggie Snacks
Approximate Cost per Batch: $6.25
- 통밀가루 2컵
- 1 cup oats
- 1 banana
- ½ cup unsweet, all natural applesauce
- 1 small baked sweet potato
- 1 cup finely grated carrot
- 1/3 cup water
- Preheat the oven to 350 degrees.
- Mash the cooled sweet potato and banana together.
- Add the flour, carrots, and oats to the mash and mix.
- Stir in the water and applesauce.
- Roll out the dough to 1/8” thickness.
- Slice the dough into strips and put the strips on a baking sheet.
- Bake for 25 minutes.
- Allow the treats to cool.
- Serve one daily.
- Store remaining treats in the refrigerator in a sealed container.
Peanut Butter Banana Treats for Dogs with Digestive Concerns
Approximate Cost per Batch: $4.50
- 2 큰술. 천연 땅콩 버터
- 4 cups organic plain yogurt
- 3 mashed ripe bananas
- Add the ingredients into a blender.
- Puree until creamy.
- Pour the mix into an ice cube tray.
- Serve 1 treat daily.
Pumpkin Egg Cookies for Dogs with Digestive Concerns
Approximate Cost per Batch: $3.75
- 2/3 cup organic pumpkin puree
- 계란 1개
- 2 cups brown rice flour
- 2 ½ tbsp. flaxseed oil
- 1/3 cup chilled water
- Preheat the oven to 350 degrees.
- Combine the wet ingredients and mix thoroughly.
- Combine the dry ingredients and mix thoroughly.
- Combine the wet and dry ingredients.
- Roll out the dough to ¼” thick.
- Use a 1” cookie cutter to cut the cookies.
- Place on a parchment paper covered cookie sheet.
- Bake for 30 to 35 minutes.
- Cool before serving.
- Serve 1 cookie daily.
- Store the remaining cookies in an airtight container.
2 Homemade Dog Food Recipes for Dogs with Kidney Disease or Failure
Chicken, Eggs, and Rice for Dogs with Kidney Disease
Approximate Cost per Batch: $3.45
- 1 cup boiled chopped chicken
- 1 hardboiled egg, chopped
- 2 큰술. organic non-fat plain yogurt
- ¼ cup cooked brown rice
- ½ cup lightly steamed carrots and peas.
- Combine the cooked ingredients and mix well.
- Allow ingredients to cool before serving a routine-sized portion.
- Store any leftovers in the refrigerator.
Beef and Egg for Dogs with Kidney Disease
Approximate Cost per Batch: $2.90
- 1 cup boiled ground beef
- 1 hardboiled egg, chopped
- 2 큰술. 코티지 치즈
- ¼ cup cooked white rice
- ¼ cup lightly steamed carrots
- Combine the ingredients well.
- Cool before serving a routine-sized
- Refrigerate any leftover ingredients.
16 Homemade Dog Food Recipes for Dogs with Liver Disease
Beef and Tofu for Dogs with Liver Disease
Approximate Cost per Batch: $13.00
- 1 lb. Low-fat ground beef, boiled
- 3 ½ oz. plain tofu
- 2 cups cooked white rice
- 1 cup cottage cheese
- 2 cups lightly steamed, sliced carrots
- ½ cup wheat bran
- 1 capsule flaxseed oil
- Chop the tofu finely.
- Allow cooked ingredients to cool.
- Combine all ingredients and serve a routine-sized portion.
- Refrigerate any leftovers.
Chicken and Rice for Dogs with Liver Disease
Approximate Cost per Batch: $3.50
- 1 cup chopped skinless, boneless chicken breast
- ½ cup cooked brown rice
- 4 큰술. salt-free chicken broth
- ½ cup mixed vegetables
- Add the chicken and mixed vegetables to a pot of water and boil until cooked through.
- Allow the cooked ingredients to cool completely.
- Mash together all of the cooled ingredients and serve a routine-sized portion.
- Refrigerate any leftovers.
Beef and Brown Rice Dinner for Dogs with Liver Disease
Approximate Cost per Batch: $5.75
- 1/8 lb ground beef
- 계란 1개
- 1 1/3 cup brown rice
- 1 carrot, grated
- 1 minced garlic clove
- Liquid vitamin B (measured according to the dog’s weight)
- Calcium powder (measured according to the dog’s weight)
- Multivitamin (measured according to the dog’s weight and vitamin brand)
- Cook the rice according to the packaging and allow it to cool.
- Combine the ground and beef with the egg.
- Mix the cooled rice into the egg and beef mixture and stir.
- Mix together the vitamin B, multivitamin, and calcium powder.
- Add the vitamin mixture to the rice mixture and stir to combine.
- Serve a routine-sized portion and refrigerate any leftovers.
Beef, Bread, and Rice for Dogs with Liver Disease
Approximate Cost per Batch: $8.60
- ground beef
- 2 cups white rice
- 3 slices white bread
- Brown the beef in a skillet without draining.
- Cook the rice according to the package ingredients.
- Allow the beef and rice to cool completely.
- Break the bread into small pieces and mix into the beef and rice mixture.
- Serve a routine-sized portion and refrigerate any leftovers.
White Rice and Beef for Dogs with Liver Disease
Approximate Cost per Batch: $4.05
- ¼ lb. ground beef
- 2 cups cooked white rice
- 1 hardboiled egg, chopped
- 3 slices white bread, torn into small pieces
- Calcium carbonate (measured according to the dog’s size)
- Brown the beef in a skillet.
- Allow the beef to cool.
- Add the rest of the ingredients to the beef and mix well.
- Serve a routine-sized portion and refrigerate any leftovers.
Chicken and Potatoes for Dogs with Liver Disease
Approximate Cost per Batch: $3.60
- ¼ cup boiled skinless, boneless chicken breast
- 2 큰술. chicken fat
- 3 cups boiled skinned potato
- Calcium carbonate (measured according to the dog’s weight)
- Multivitamin (measured according to the dog’s weight and multivitamin brand)
- Allow the cooked ingredients to cool completely.
- Combine the cooled ingredients and serve a routine-sized portion.
- Refrigerate any leftovers.
Egg and Rice Macaroni for Dogs with Liver Disease
Approximate Cost per Batch: $4.00
- ½ package salad macaroni, cooked and cooled
- 1 cup cooked brown rice
- 2 hardboiled, chopped eggs
- ½ package frozen sliced carrots, lightly steamed
- ½ package frozen broccoli florets, lightly steamed
- Calcium carbonate (measured according to the dog’s size), crushed
- Allow all cooked ingredients to cool completely and mix together well.
- Serve a routine-sized portion and refrigerate any leftovers.
Egg-Based Dinner for Dogs with Liver Disease
Approximate Cost per Batch: $3.50
- 1 cup cooked brown rice
- ½ box cooked salad macaroni
- 2 hardboiled eggs, chopped
- 1 큰술. low-calorie cottage cheese
- ½ package frozen sliced carrots, lightly steamed
- ½ package frozen broccoli, lightly steamed
- Calcium carbonate (measured according to the dog’s size)
- Allow the cooked ingredients to cool completely.
- Combine cooled ingredients and mix.
- Serve a routine-sized portion and refrigerate any leftovers.
Low Protein Meatloaf for Dogs with Liver Disease
Approximate Cost per Batch: $14.00
- 1 ¾lb. 갈은 소고기
- 계란 1개, 푼 것
- 1 cup oats
- 1 stalk celery, diced
- 1 carrot, peeled and diced
- 1 큰술. ketchup
- ¾ cup water
- Preheat the oven to 350 degrees.
- Boil a large saucepan of water.
- Add the vegetables to the boiling water and reduce the heat to simmer.
- Simmer for 5 mins.
- Drain and cool the vegetables.
- Mash all of the ingredients together and spread in a greased baking dish.
- Bake in the oven until cooked through.
- Allow the meatloaf to cool before serving a routine-sized portion.
- Refrigerate or freeze the leftovers.
Chicken, Oatmeal, and Pumpkin for Dogs with Liver Disease
Approximate Cost per Batch: $3.75
- ½ cup boiled chicken, diced
- 1 hardboiled egg, chopped
- ½ cup cooked oats
- ¾ cup low-fat cottage cheese
- ½ cup organic canned pumpkin
- Allow the cooked ingredients to cool completely.
- Combine the cooled ingredients before serving a routine-sized portion.
- Refrigerate any leftovers.
Salmon Treats for Dogs with Liver Disease
Approximate Cost per Batch: $4.10
- 1 can of salmon in water
- 계란 1개
- 1 diced potato
- 1 diced carrot
- 1 큰술. 천연 땅콩 버터
- 3 큰술. corn meal
- Canola oil
- Beat the egg in a bowl.
- Add the cornmeal and salmon and mix well.
- Form small patties from the mixture.
- Fry the patties in a skillet using the canola oil.
- While frying the patties, lightly steam the carrot and potato.
- Allow the cooked ingredients to cool completely.
- Mash together all of the cooled ingredients.
- Serve a small treat sized portion daily and refrigerate the remaining treats in an airtight container.
Beef and Oatmeal Treats for Dogs with Liver Disease
Approximate Cost per Batch: $3.00
- 계란 1개
- 2/3 cup low-sodium, low-fat beef broth
- 통밀가루 2컵
- 3 큰술. oats
- Preheat the oven to 350 degrees.
- Beat the egg thoroughly.
- Add the egg to the flour, broth, and oatmeal and stir.
- Form balls out of the dough and place on a parchment covered cookie sheet.
- Bake for 3 minutes or until the balls of dough are cooked through.
- Serve 1 treat daily and store the remaining treats in an airtight container.
Chicken Broth and Vegetable Treats for Dogs with Liver Disease
Approximate Cost per Batch: $3.75
- ½ cup cooked and cooled, mashed sweet potato
- ½ cup cooked and cooled, mashed squash
- 2 ½ cups wheat flour
- 6 tbsp. low-sodium, low-fat chicken broth
- ½ 티스푼. garlic powder
- ½ cup cold water
- Preheat the oven to 350 degrees.
- In a mixing bowl, combine the flour, garlic powder, chicken broth, and vegetables.
- Add in just enough cold water to make a cookie dough.
- Roll out the dough to ¼” thickness.
- Use a ½” cookie cutter to cut the dough.
- Bake the cookies on a parchment lined cookie sheet for 25 mins.
- Let the cookies cool before serving 1 daily.
- Store the remaining cookies in an airtight container.
Lamb and Rice Treats for Dogs with Liver Disease
Approximate Cost per Batch: $10.30
- 1 lb. ground lamb
- 2 cups cooked brown rice
- 2 cups cooked white rice
- ¼ cup chopped green beans
- ¼ cup kale, chopped
- 1 cup organic plain yogurt
- Cook the lamb in a skillet.
- Lightly steam the kale and green beans.
- Allow the cooked ingredients to cool.
- Combine the cooled ingredients and mix well.
- Create small treat sized portions.
- Serve 1 treat daily and store the remaining treats in an airtight container in the refrigerator.
Garlic and Vegetable Wheat Free Treats for Dogs with Liver Disease
Approximate Cost per Batch: $5.20
- 2 ½ cups rice flour
- 6 tbsp. low-sodium, low-fat chicken broth
- ½ cup mashed cooked zucchini
- ½ cup mashed cooked sweet potatoes
- ½ 티스푼. garlic powder
- ½ cup cold water
- Preheat the oven to 350 degrees.
- Mix together the garlic and flour.
- Add the vegetable mash and chicken broth to the flour mixture and mix well.
- Add just enough of the cold water to make a cookie dough.
- Roll out the dough to ¼” thick.
- Use a ½” cookie cutter to cut the treats.
- Bake the treats on a parchment covered cookie sheet for 20 minutes.
- Cool before serving 1 cookie daily.
- Store the remaining cookies in an airtight container in the refrigerator.
Chicken, Rice, and Veggies for Dogs with Liver Disease
Approximate Cost per Batch: $10.35
- 2 ½ cups boiled boneless chicken breast with skin
- 2 ½ cups cooked white rice
- 1 cup cottage cheese
- 1 ½ cups lightly steamed sliced carrots
- ½ cup wheat bran
- 1 capsule flaxseed oil
- Allow cooked ingredients to cool completely.
- Combine ingredients together and mix well.
- Serve a routine-sized portion and refrigerate any leftovers.
2 Homemade Dog Food Recipes for Skin and Coat Health
Peanut Butter and Fish Oil Treats
Approximate Cost per Batch: $4.00
- 1 cup oats
- 통밀가루 2컵
- 1 큰술. honey
- 1/3 cup all natural peanut butter
- ½ tbsp. salmon oil
- 1 ½ cups water
- Preheat the oven to 350 degrees.
- Combine 1 cup of the water with the rest of the ingredients and stir.
- Add the remaining water if needed to create a cookie-like dough.
- Roll the dough out to ¼” thickness.
- Use a 1” cookie cutter to cut the dough.
- Bake the cookies for 40 minutes on a cookie sheet.
- Allow cookies to cool.
- Feed once daily.
Salmon Treats for Coat Health
Approximate Cost per Batch: $3.75
- 1 large tin of salmon in water
- 계란 1개
- 1 큰술. 코티지 치즈
- 1 sweet potato
- 1 stalk celery
- 1 carrot
- 3 큰술. corn flour
- Flour for dipping
- Olive oil for frying
- Use a cheese grater to grate the celery, sweet potato, and carrot.
- Mix all of the ingredients together in a bowl.
- Form small balls out of the ingredients.
- Roll the balls in flour.
- Heat the oil over high heat until hot enough for frying.
- Carefully drop the balls into the hot oil and fry on both sides until cooked through.
- Allow cooling before serving.
- Store any remaining treats in an airtight container in the refrigerator.
2 Homemade Dog Food Recipes for Weight Gain
Weight Gaining Treats for Underweight Dogs
Approximate Cost per Batch: $12.40
- 1 lb. ground lean beef, boiled
- 1 minced hardboiled egg
- 8온스. multi-grain unsweet Cheerios
- 2 oz. oats
- 1 envelope unflavored gelatin
- 1/8 cup unsulfured molasses
- 2 oz. wheat germ
- 1/8 cup canola oil
- Pinch of salt
- Pinch of minced garlic
- Allow the beef and eggs to cool.
- Combine all of the ingredients together and mix well.
- Roll the ingredients into small balls.
- Supplement the underweight dog’s diet with these treats multiple times daily.
- Store remaining treats in an airtight container in the refrigerator or freezer.
Chicken, Beef, and Oats for Underweight Dogs
Approximate Cost per Batch: $17.15
- ground beef
- 2 chicken leg quarters
- 현미 1컵
- 귀리 2/3컵
- 1 cup cottage cheese
- 2 grated carrots
- oz. can dark red kidney beans, drained, rinsed, and mashed
- 2 cups chopped frozen broccoli
- 1 large bag frozen spinach
- 1 minced garlic clove
- ½ cup olive oil
- Put the chicken quarters in a large saucepan and cover with water surpassing the chicken top by 1”.
- Bring the chicken pan to a boil.
- Reduce heat to a simmer, cover and simmer for 40 minutes until the chicken is cooked through.
- Remove the chicken and cool.
- Strain any residue from the chicken water and return to the heat.
- Add the rice, vegetables, and beans to the water and bring up to a boil.
- Cook the beef in a skillet while the bean mixture heats.
- Once the bean mixture is boiling, reduce the heat to a simmer and simmer until the vegetables are fork tender.
- Pour any grease off the beef and put it in a large mixing bowl.
- Pull the meat from the chicken and add it to the beef.
- When the bean mixture is cooked through, allow it to cool.
- Combine the bean mixture with the meats and the remaining ingredients and mix well.
- Feed a routine-sized portion and refrigerate or freeze any leftovers.
1 Homemade Dog Food Recipe for Weight Loss
Turkey Dinner for Dogs Needing to Lose Weight
Approximate Cost per Batch: $10.50
- 1 lb. ground turkey
- 현미 2컵
- 1 cup chopped fresh green bean
- 다진 당근 1컵
- 1 큰술. 생선 기름
- 물 4컵
- Brown the turkey in a skillet and drain.
- Combine the turkey, rice, and water in a large saucepan and boil.
- Reduce heat to a simmer and cook until the rice is cooked through.
- Add the vegetables. Cook until the vegetables are fork tender.
- Cool before serving a routine-sized portion.
- Store leftovers in the refrigerator.
At The Tail's End
So, there you have it – 101 of the best homemade dog food recipes that I’m sure your pooch will love. For more recipes, you can always read my weekly columns on TopDogTips.com and watch the videos of me making these and many other recipes.
Remember, if you haven’t talked to your veterinarian about switching your dog’s diet, be sure to do so. Feeding a homemade dog food diet without knowing your pup’s unique needs can be a recipe for disaster – no pun intended.
We all know homemade dog food is full of vitamins and minerals, and that’s a good thing, right? In this case, too much of a good thing can be very bad. Vitamin toxicity can occur when your dog’s intake of a certain dietary vitamin exceeds his body’s requirement.
This can be a very serious problem that may even result in death if it persists for a long period of time. Without knowing it, you could actually be doing more harm than good by trying to feed your pet a healthy meal. For example, Vitamin A toxicity in dogs can result in permanent damage to his bones or even death.
This is why it is imperative that you work with a trained professional to create a nutritional guideline for your dog’s individual nutritional needs. Once you know the guideline that you need to stick to, you can alter these recipes (and any others that you may find) to meet your pet’s specific needs.
Think about the nutritional facts on the back of the box of cereal that you ate for breakfast. We all know that there are certain nutritional recommendations for humans, and we can see how every food that we eat matches up to these recommendations by looking at the nutritional information on the packaging.
It’s not that simple when we’re feeding pets. One of the greatest things about the canine species is how amazingly diverse it is. Big dogs, small dogs, athletic breeds, lazy pups…the list goes on and on. It’s impossible to set recommendations for what nutrients a dog should be eating every day.
The only way to know for sure is to discuss your dog’s needs with your veterinarian. While puppies may need to have a diet made of 50% protein, a senior dog may only require 25% protein in his diet.
A canine nutrition expert will help you work out a plan. They’ll tell you the correct ratio of protein, fruits and vegetables, carbohydrates and fat to include in your dog’s diet. Once you have the ratio, it’s easy to tweak recipes to meet your dog’s needs.
I hope you enjoy feeding your dog’s a homemade diet as much as I do. The peace of mind that I get from knowing exactly what they’re eating outweighs the hassle of having to prepare the food. We think of our dogs like they are our own children, and I would never feed my children a meal without knowing what it was made of or where it came from.
Don’t get frustrated if your dog doesn’t like the first recipe you try. It will take some time to figure out his likes and dislikes. My advice is to try lots of new recipes. It will be fun for you and your dog will enjoy trying all the new flavors!
Read Next: 8 Dangers of DIY Homemade Dog Food
