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견종 가이드:Corgi

코기스 소개

Corgi에는 Pembroke Welsh Corgi와 Cardigan Welsh Corgi의 두 가지 품종이 있습니다. Pembroke는 두 Corgi 품종 중 어리지만 더 인기 있는 품종입니다. 이 두 품종의 개는 비슷하지만 고유한 차이점도 있습니다.

일반적으로 Corgis는 활발하게 목동을 하는 작고 상냥한 가정견입니다. 그들은 애정이 넘치고 훌륭한 동반자를 만듭니다. 두 품종 모두 웨일즈 출신으로 한때 농부들을 위한 소떼를 도왔습니다. 오늘날 사람들은 이 개를 사랑하는데 그 이유는 애정이 있고 충성스럽고 지성적이기 때문입니다.

견종 가이드:Corgi

코기스의 크기

Cardigan Corgis는 Pembroke Corgis보다 큽니다. 두 품종 모두 키가 거의 같고 키는 약 10~12인치입니다. Pembrokes의 무게는 일반적으로 30파운드를 초과하지 않는 반면, Cardigans는 최대 약 38파운드입니다. 이것은 키가 작은 개에게 상당한 차이입니다.

Pembroke Corgi의 예상 크기는 다음과 같습니다.

무게 차트 3개월 6개월 12개월
남성 펨브로크 코기스 9.6-12.9파운드 17.3-23.6파운드 22.1-30.4파운드
암컷 펨브로크 코기스 9.6-12.1파운드 17.3-22.1파운드 22.1-28.4파운드

한편, Cardigan Welsh Corgis는 완전히 성장하면 수컷이 30-38파운드, 암컷이 25-34파운드에 달합니다.

코기스의 특징

Corgis는 강력한 다리와 근육질의 체격을 가진 민첩한 개입니다. Pembrokes는 민감하고 많은 인간 상호 작용을 즐깁니다. 이 개는 훈련에 잘 반응하며 독립적이고 두려움이 없는 것으로 알려져 있습니다. 많은 사람들이 Pembrokes를 높은 감각과 왕성한 짖는 소리 때문에 감시견으로 좋아합니다. Corgi의 한 유형을 다른 유형과 구별하는 가장 좋은 방법은 꼬리를 보는 것입니다. 펨브로크는 꼬리가 짧고 카디건은 꼬리가 깁니다.

Cardigan Welsh Corgis는 또한 훌륭한 보호자이며 주인에게 충실한 강력한 개입니다. 그들은 일반적으로 어린이 및 애완 동물과 잘 어울리고 야외 활동을 좋아합니다. 이 거친 개들이 건강하고 행복한 삶을 살기 위해서는 정신적, 육체적 자극이 필요합니다.

Corgi의 성격을 알게 되면 품종 특성에 따라 기대할 수 있는 사항은 다음과 같습니다.

품종 특성 레벨(높음, 중간, 낮음)
사람들에게 다정함 높음
아이들과 잘 어울림 중간
애완동물과 잘 어울림 중간
운동 필요 높음
Energy Level High
Intelligence Level High
Able to Be Trained High
Amount of Barking High
Amount of Shedding High

Although Corgis are intelligent, they are also known to be stubborn and prone to nipping if not properly trained. Corgis also have a tendency to bark at lots of different things and they are highly energetic dogs that need a lot of exercise. Overall, these are adaptable dogs that do better in cold weather than hot weather. They shed a lot but don’t drool often and are generally easy to groom.

History of Corgis

The history of the Cardigan Welsh Corgi dates back over a thousand years ago. These dogs were named for the medieval kingdom of Cardiganshire, Wales, and this is one of the oldest British dog breeds. They were bred to be low to the ground to be able to nip at the heels of cattle. They were used on long cattle drives and commonly used as farm dogs and hunting dogs.

Pembroke Welsh Corgis have been considered a separate breed from Cardigans by some people since the late 1800s.The American Kennel Club began recognizing them as separate breeds in 1934. Pembrokes originated in Pembrokeshire, Wales and have a history steeped in Welsh legends. These dogs were also used to take care of families’ cattle and became favorite dogs among children. It is believed the Pembrokes possibly descended from a Swedish cattle dog known as the Vallhund, which was brought to Wales by Vikings, or maybe by Flemish weavers in the 12 century.

견종 가이드:Corgi

Corgis Standard Information

Since Pembrokes and Cardigans are separate breeds, they have different breed stand information, according to the American Kennel Club. This information is interesting to learn about not only if you want to professionally show dogs, but also just to compare your dogs to other similar ones and understand their background and characteristics better.

Here is an overview of the breed standard information for both types of Corgis.

Pembroke Welsh Corgi Standard Highlights

  • Sturdy build
  • Intelligent and interested expression
  • Not shy or vicious
  • Foxy head shape
  • Neither dish-faced or Roman-nosed muzzle
  • Rib cage well sprung
  • Short forequarters and oval feet
  • Ample bone, strong, and flexible hindquarters
  • Medium-length short, and thick coat
  • Outer coat red, sable, fawn, black, and tan with or without white markings
  • Free and smooth gait
견종 가이드:Corgi

Cardigan Welsh Corgi Standard Highlights

  • Low set with a deep chest
  • Alert, gentle, and watchful expression
  • Medium to large eyes, not bulging
  • Long and muscular neck without throatiness
  • Tail set low on the body line
  • Moderately broad chest tapers to a deep brisket
  • Hindquarters slightly less wide than shoulders
  • Medium length, dense coat
  • Coloration can be all shades of red, sable, brindle, black without tan or brindle points, blue merle
  • Effortless gait with freedom of movement

Caring for Corgis

Corgis have thick coats that should be brushed regularly to keep them looking healthy. These dogs will shed frequently and baths help to loosen up dead hair. Corgis also require daily exercise, due to their high energy levels.

Here are some general tips for taking the best care of a Corgi.

Best Living Environments:

  • Well-suited for apartment living, as long as they get outdoor exercise
  • No extreme hot or cold
  • No young children in the household
  • Someone home for most of the day with the dog
  • Fenced yard
  • Access to hiking trails

Type of Exercise:

  • Moderate daily exercise for approximately one hour per day
  • Give Corgis a job to do
  • Long walks
  • Slow jogs but not alongside a bicycle

Mental Enrichment:

  • Agility and obedience games
  • Off-leash training for stimulation
  • Play sessions with other dogs

Training Strategies:

  • Socialize puppies early to get used to various people and situations
  • Reward-based training works best
  • Sensitive dogs who need patience while training
  • Start training between seven weeks and four months of age

Grooming Tips:

  • Brush coat only once the dog is completely dry after baths
  • Trim nails regularly
  • Check ears for cleanliness

Anyone who wants to care for a Corgi should have enough time and energy to keep the dog exercised, entertained, and comforted when feeling frightened. Both breeds of Corgis love being around people and pick up on people’s cues easily. Some Corgis have a reputation for seeming a bit bossy. Dog trainers often note that Cardigans are the more reserved of the two Corgi breeds, while Pembrokes are a little more outgoing.

견종 가이드:Corgi

Common Health Problems of Corgis

Corgis are generally healthy dogs, but they are still prone to developing certain health issues over time. Corgis often struggle with obesity, so their diets should be closely monitored. Corgis can also be somewhat accident-prone because of their attraction to high places, such as kitchen tables and the tops of sofas. These places can cause accidents that result in broken bones and other medical issues. Corgis should be discouraged from jumping off high surfaces or running up and downstairs in a home as much as possible.

So that you are aware of what to keep an eye out for, these are some of the most common health issues that arise with Corgis.

  • Von Willebrand’s disease (a bleeding disorder)
  • Cardiac issues
  • Degenerative myelopathy
  • Eye disorders
  • Ear infections
  • Intervertebral disk disease (back problems)

The National Breed Club recommends that Pembroke Corgis get hip evaluations and ophthalmologist evaluations to detect potential health issues as early as possible. Meanwhile, Cardigans should get hip evaluations, degenerative myelopathy DNA tests, and PRA genetic tests or clearance via parentage. If taken care of well, Corgis will typically live for about 11 to 13 years.

Diet and Nutrition for Corgis

Corgis typically need about ¾ cup to 1 ¾ cups of dry dog food per day, depending on the calorie content of the food and the dog’s activity level. Cardigans may need a bit more food than Pembrokes, based on their larger size.

The food should be split into two meals, one in the morning and one in the evening, rather than leaving food out all day long. Corgis enjoy a good meal and are prone to overeating. To ensure that your Corgi isn’t becoming overweight, check to make sure you can see the dog’s waist and feel the ribs without pressing very hard on the body. To ensure good eating habits, Corgis should be monitored closely while eating and not allowed to freely graze or have too many treats.

견종 가이드:Corgi

Where to Adopt or Purchase Corgis

There are various online resources available if you want to adopt a Corgi, including AdoptAPet.com. Here, you can find a Corgi by location based on where you live. Petfinder.com also offers pet adoption resources. There are regional affiliate clubs and rescue organizations that serve different parts of the country, such as the Lakeshore Pembroke Welsh Corgi Club and the North Texas Pembroke Welsh Corgi Fanciers.

While you can sometimes find Corgis at animal shelters, they are often quickly discovered by rescue groups and adopted out in this way. There is also the Pembroke Welsh Corgi Club of America, which was founded in 1936 and can help you find a rescue organization that serves your area. To find a reputable breeder who follows the rules and regulations of the American Kennel Club, check out the AKC Marketplace PuppyFinder.

Related Breeds

Corgis are wonderful dogs for some people, but not everyone, due to their shedding, need for exercise, and mostly indoor lifestyle. If you are interested in Corgi dogs, you might also be curious to learn about related breeds, including these:

  • Drever
  • Dachshund
  • Swedish Vallhund
  • Teddy Roosevelt Terrier
  • Lancashire Heeler

Pet Insurance for Corgis

Regardless of how old your Corgi is or which breed of Corgi you have, pet insurance is a great idea for these dogs. Healthy Paws offers a pet insurance plan for Corgis with no caps on annual or lifetime payouts and most claims processed within two days. Our insurance team is here to protect you and your Corgi from unexpected misadventures and even conditions that are hereditary and congenital.

We are committed to our customers and have a 98 percent satisfaction rating at Consumers Advocate. Tell us just a bit about your pet and we’ll provide you with a free and instant quote to help you care for and protect your best furry friend.

견종 가이드:Maltipoo
견종 가이드:Maltipoo

말티푸스 소개 작고 사랑스럽고 애정 어린 말티푸는 말티즈와 푸들의 교배종인 개 잡종입니다. 이 개들은 훌륭한 가족 동반자가 되며 작은 공간에서 그들을 사랑하는 사람들과 함께 번성합니다. 십자가는 일반적으로 말티즈 개와 장난감 또는 미니어처 푸들 사이에서 만들어지며 강아지와 같은 외모, 낮은 털갈이 및 개 동반자의 친근한 태도를 가진 개를 만듭니다. Maltipoos는 상당히 새로운 잡종 견종이지만 여러분이 가정에 소개하려고 찾던 바로 그 유형의 강아지일 수 있습니다. 말티푸스 크기 일반적으로 말티푸는 소형견입니다. 그러나 이

견종 가이드:오스트레일리아 소독
견종 가이드:오스트레일리아 소독

호주 소견 소개 블루 힐러 또는 퀸즐랜드 힐러로도 알려진 호주 소독은 딩고라고 불리는 호주 야생견의 친척입니다. 이 목양견은 지능적이고 탄력적이며 건장합니다. 그들은 호기심이 많고 기민한 태도로 강하고 민첩합니다. 그들은 가축을 사냥하고 옮기기 위해 사육되었지만 훌륭한 가정용 애완 동물이기도 합니다. 그러나 가족들은 호주 소 개가 지루하고 문제를 일으키지 않도록 충분한 운동을 하고 정신적으로 자극을 받을 수 있도록 해야 합니다. 이것은 당신이 따라갈 수 있어야 할 필요가 있는 개이므로 처음으로 반려동물을 키우는 부모, 아파트 거