미국 작가 H. L. Mencken에 의해 "반개 키와 개 반 길이"로 유명하게 묘사된 "닥스훈트"라는 이름은 문자 그대로 "오소리 개"를 의미합니다. , 개").
적절한 독일어 억양을 원하신다면... 이름은 DAKS-hunt(또는 hot)(대시 하운드 금지)로 발음해야 합니다.
닥스훈트는 최초의 올림픽 마스코트이며 1972년 뮌헨 올림픽에서 마스코트가 만들어졌고 개 발디라고 불렸습니다.
닥스훈트는 다른 품종을 키울 생각을 전혀 하지 않는 열렬한 추종자들을 끌어들입니다. 사실, 닥스훈트는 다른 "비너스 개"를 식별하고 선호하는 것처럼 보이기 때문에 쌍으로 유지되는 경우가 많습니다.
빅토리아 여왕은 "닥스훈트보다 빠르고 효과적으로 사람의 집을 성으로 바꾸는 것은 없습니다"라는 유명한 말에 매료된 것으로 유명합니다.
강아지를 원하신다면...
Dachsie가 당신에게 적합할 수 있습니다.
다루기 싫다면...
Dachshie는 당신에게 적합하지 않을 수 있습니다.
American Kennel Club(AKC) 표준에 따르면 닥스훈트 품종 표준에는 표준과 미니어처의 두 가지 크기가 허용됩니다.
유럽에서는 "Kaninchenteckel" - "토끼" 크기의 닥스훈트도 인식합니다. 토끼 닥스훈트는 미니어처보다 키가 작습니다.
참고: 드워프, 트위니, 장난감, 마이크로 미니 또는 찻잔 닥스훈트와 같은 비공식 용어는 AKC에서 인정하는 크기 변형이 아니지만 일부 브리더들은 이 용어를 사용하여 더 작은 개를 사육하고 있습니다.
"tweenie"라는 별명은 크기가 미니어처와 표준 사이에 있을 때 종종 비공식적으로 사용됩니다. 사람들이 이 품종에 레이블을 붙인 다른 비공식 별명은 Little Hot Dog, Wiener Dog, Sausage Dog 및 Hotdog Dog입니다.
건강한 Dash는 적절한 보살핌과 연령에 맞는 양질의 식단을 제공할 경우 12~16년의 기대 수명을 누릴 것으로 기대해야 합니다.
daschie를 다른 견종으로 착각하는 것은 아니지만 이 유쾌한 작은 개에는 6가지 이상의 품종이 있으며 때때로 오해를 일으킬 수 있습니다.
긴 몸과 짧은 다리 덕분에 종종 소시지 개라고 불리는 이 견종은 근육이 잘 발달된 소형견으로 강력한 앞다리와 길고 대략적인 원뿔 모양의 머리와 매우 약간 아치형의 두개골을 자랑합니다.
얼굴 영역
머리는 약간 아치형의 크라운에서 코 끝까지 균일하게 가늘어져야 하며 깔끔하게 잘라야 합니다. 약간 아치형의 두개골과 미세하게 형성된 약간 아치형의 주둥이(숫양의 코)로 멈추지 않고 서서히 기울어야 합니다.
눈 위의 다리뼈가 매우 두드러집니다. 아몬드 모양의 중간 크기 눈은 타원형이며 대각선으로 설정되어 있습니다.
닥스훈트는 어두운 눈을 가지고 있지만 초콜릿 색의 닥스훈트는 밝은 색의 눈을 가지고 있으며 회색/점무늬 코트가 있는 개 중 하나 또는 둘 모두는 품종 표준으로 허용되는 물고기 또는 진주 눈(월아이)이 될 수 있습니다.
그들의 귀는 머리 꼭대기 근처에 높게 설정되어 있고 움직이는 마차와 함께 적당히 길며 귀의 앞쪽 가장자리가 개의 뺨에 닿습니다. Dachshies는 무엇이든 경계하면 귀를 앞뒤로 움직입니다.
그들의 목은 몸과 마찬가지로 상당히 길고 근육질이며 깔끔하게 절단되어 있으며 목에 이슬이 맺히지 않고 목덜미가 약간 아치형입니다. 미니어처 닥스훈트는 힘줄이 있고 몸집이 작으며 턱과 목에도 주름이나 주름 또는 이슬이 없습니다.
표준형이든 소형이든 닥시는 근육질이고 두드러지며 깊은 가슴을 가지고 있습니다.
경사진 어깨와 작고 단단한 골반은 매우 약간 아치형인 허리와 기갑 사이에서 가능한 한 직선에 있어야 하며 전자는 짧고 단단하며 넓습니다.
등선:허리와 기갑 사이의 가능한 가장 곧은 선. 몸집이 좋은 개의 경우 가슴은 몸에서 가장 낮은 부분이어야 하며 가슴뼈가 돌출되어야 합니다.
개는 개가 자유롭게 움직일 수 있도록 땅에서 적절한 간격을 허용하는 약간 아치형 복부로 늑골이 있습니다.
강력하고 근육이 잘 발달된 뒷부분은 넓고 완전한 엉덩이와 꼬리 쪽으로 약간 기울어진 확장된 둥근 둥근 근육이 있습니다.
그들의 강한 허벅지 위쪽은 개의 골반과 근육이 잘 발달된 허벅지 아래쪽에 직각으로 설정되어 있습니다. 앞발은 완전하고 넓으며 응집력이 있으며 강아지의 뒷발은 점점 좁아지고 있습니다.
권장 읽기: 수컷 개를 위한 장엄한 이름, 암컷 개를 위한 귀여운 이름
처음 소유자
닥스훈트는 훈련이 거의 어렵고, 그 품종과 그 품종이 앓고 있는 것으로 알려진 건강 문제를 포함하여 특정 요구 사항을 알고 있는 사람들과 더 잘 어울리기 때문에 처음 소유주에게 최선의 선택이 아닙니다.
처음부터 제대로 다루지 않고 훈련하지 않으면 이 매력적인 작은 성격이 무질서하고 변덕스러워 소유자가 관리하기 어려울 수 있습니다.
그러나 많은 시간, 공간, 상황에 맞는 손으로 그들의 완고한 행진을 극복하는 것은 가능합니다. 닥스훈트가 더 주의를 끄는 것의 냄새를 맡는다면 그 후에 폭발하기 쉽습니다.
일반적인 행동
Doxies는 활기차고 '콩이 가득한' 개입니다. 강아지에게 필요한 칼로리 양을 결정할 때 이 에너지 수준을 고려하십시오. 특히 작업이나 훈련을 하는 경우에 그렇습니다.
Breeders would give you a feeding schedule (if you get a puppy from them) and it’s important to stick to the schedule. Changing a puppy’s diet should be done slowly and making sure that they don’t develop any stomach upsets.
Rough Feeding guide for Dachshies
As a rough guide, recommended daily amount:1 to 1 1/2 cups of high-quality dry food a day. A puppy should be fed with nutritious meals which are evenly spread out throughout the day. It’s best to feed 2 or 3 times a day:
Remember, the feedings depend on puppy’s build. Once a puppy is 11 months old they can be fed adult dog food depending on their activity level.
기억하다; these feedings depend on your dog’s eating tendencies and depending on their energy level and activity.
Grown-up dogs need to be fed a good quality diet that meets all their nutritional requirements while keeping a close eye on a dog’s weight.
Here is a rough feeding guide.
The Dachshund is known to be a sharp, small dog, yet they are little hard to train thanks to the fact they are quite independent by nature and have a mind of their own which can be put down to the “hound” in them.
However, when they are given the right amount of positive reinforcement training from puppyhood as well as with a lot of persistence and patience, doxies can be trained properly.
The dachshund is naturally vigilant, which makes them a steadfast watcher to train. Their razor-sharp and persistent look will certainly scare away any unsolicited entries.
Actually, a research study published in ‘Applied Animal Behavior Science Journal’ in 2008 ranked the dachshund as one of the most aggressive breeds towards both strangers and other animals.
While Dachshunds have many traits, cleverness isn’t essentially their strongest point. Studies show that a Dachshund will follow the first command just about 50% of the time.
The Stanley Coren’s book ‘Intelligence of Dogs’ has stated that the Dachshund is the 49th most intelligent dog breed. Nevertheless, the AKC breed standards portray the doxies as an intelligent and lively breed.
Regardless of all this, they are often difficult to housebreak, and this needs patience and perseverance. While they are only ranked as of average intelligence, this does not make the Dachshund a dim-witted dog.
They are considered a dog that is convincingly clever and has a rather good intelligence for a working dog breed.
Stubborn, Subjective and very intelligent, doxies are exactly like their big cousins the greyhound, will not comply with you if he sees monotonous or unexciting – mostly, if he is fixed on something, he thinks is much more interesting.
The great writer E.B. White wrote forthrightly about the Dachshund stubbornness, “Being the owner of dachshunds, to me, a book on dog discipline becomes a volume of inspired humor. Every sentence is a riot.”
Smooth haired doxies wears a fine, short, low shedding, extremely glossy coat that is soft to the touch. They come in the variety of colors and are low maintenance in the grooming department thanks to their coats being so short.
A quick wipe off with chamois leather keeps their coats lustrous. Though, these cutie pies love the tête-à-tête contact they get during a grooming session. This also allows the pet parents to check their dog’s skin and to ensure there are no bumps and lumps in their body.
Longhaired dachshunds shed regular grooming will prevent matting as well as helps loose hair from falling off the dog.
Using sectioning clips can help you to ensure that the pup’s top and undercoat or both tangle free. Just clip up sections of the fur, allowing you to efficiently brush every area carefully to get rid of mats that may be building up.
Long haired doxies have fur that should be trimmed often, predominantly where it grows infringes, such as around their ears and feet.
The wire doxies require a different kind of grooming. The fallen or dead hairs in his coat must be plucked out regularly, called stripping. A professional groomer can show you how to do it.
You may also want to trim his bushy beard and eyebrows to keep them looking smart. For the wire and longhair doxies, trim excess hair stuck between the paw pads.
Dachshunds may be prone to the following health problems.
Intervertebral Disc Disease (IVDD)
This is a common spinal disease in dachshunds. When the fibrocartilaginous cushions between the vertebrae (except the first two cervical vertebrae) in a dog’s spine degenerate or ruptures or herniates into the spinal canal, resulting in severe inflammation and pain, partial loss of limb function and even paralysis.
Progressive retinal atrophy (PRA) – Deterioration of the retina which causes progressive vision loss
Allergies – Common allergens consist of dog foods that contain elevated levels of grains and other cereal-type fillers, Dust mites, airborne pollens, Flea, and tick bites.
Minor Concerns
Bloat/gastric torsion
Gastric Dilatation -Volvulus, or more generally referred to as gastric torsion or Bloat typically occurs in with deep-chested breeds.
Canine bloat can happen inadvertently, in which the stomach becomes overstretched and rotated by excessive gas, fluid, froth or all of these.
Torsion (volvulus) is when the whole abdomen twisted at either end i.e. it is sealed off at both its ends, identical to the ends of sausage is twisted and closed at both ends.
This is a serious condition and if the dog is not brought for veterinary care and surgery, the dog will not survive.
Cushing’s disease
(AKA hypercortisolism, hyperadrenocorticism) this is an endocrine disorder that’s typically found in older Dachshunds. The most common cause of Cushing’s disease (85% of all cases in dogs) is a tumor (may be either benign or malignant) of the pituitary gland.
The price of doxie puppies will cost you from $1,000 – $2,000 from a reputable breeder. Then there are licenses, vaccines, preventative medicine, heartworm testing and – of course – spaying or neutering. You’ve added an extra $400.00 to the actual price.
Alternatively, you can adopt at dog rescue centers and animal shelters for around $300. They exist in all the countries and will also have grown-up dogs to re-home.
Our 2018 list for the most reputable breeders in America
The Dachshund; in German “ Dach” means “badger” and “Hund” mean “dog.” Widely popular in Germany as a hunting dog, the Dachshunds are famous for their sleek, short frame.
The convenient frame allows it to track animals in all crannies and nooks. The Wire Haired Dachshund was first seen in the 19 th century after the prominence of long and smooth coated versions.
The Wire Haired Dachshund consists of a sturdy, low frame with a soft undercoat and short outer coat.
It appears in different varieties of color including red, dark gray, black and tan. While small, these dogs are still strongly built with well-developed forelegs, and a deep, broad chest.
He has a beard, bushy eyebrows, and a short, thick coat.
The average lifespan of a Wire Haired Dachshund is between 14-16 years. Monitor their food habits since they tend to become obese.
Daily exercise requirements include a minimum of 30 minutes of walking.
Early socialization is necessary because Dachshunds hunting instincts can easily drive him in chase of a quarry or a scent.
They were initially bred to dig holes in the ground. Check your home’s fence every now and then.
Nutrition and Food
These dogs have an excellent metabolism. This means Wire Haired Dachshunds burn a lot of energy and they should eat very little and often.
Invest in small dog breed foods as they contain smaller kibble sizes and key nutrients in balance. This, in turn, enhances chewing and digestion.
Originally from Germany, Longhaired Dachshunds were initially bred in the 16 th century. It was created by cross-breeding Longhaired German pointers and short-haired Dachshunds over a period of time.
Longhaired Dachshund and Irish Setter share similar fur texture.
The main variation between Shorthaired Dachshunds and Longhaired Dachshunds are the coat texture. The fur appears brown, black, reddish-brown, or chestnut-colored.
Longhaired Dachshund features soft, wavy, long hair, much longer on the ears, abdomen, and neck. It forms visible fringes on the upper portion of the legs and also on the tail as well.
The average lifespan of a Longhaired Dachshund is between 12-15 years. Regulate their food habits since they tend to become obese.
Mostly a very healthy dog breed, the Dachshunds are expected to live between 12-16 years with good care, diet, and exercise.
To avoid disc damage, make sure that your Longhaired Dachshunds are not gaining weight or becoming obese.
Keep an eye on all his activities. Longhaired Dachshunds are prone to ear infections. Maintain their ears regularly.
Many Dachshunds owners believe that small dogs like them can manage with just running and jumping around the house. Keep it as simple as possible. That’s the secret in handling any dog for that matter.
These dogs require exercise to keep their back strong. Two moderate walks daily should solve this problem. Watch your Dachshund because they can injure themselves while jumping and running around.
Being social by nature, they seldom do well as guard dogs. Dachshunds prefer spending time with their human partners more.
Nutrition and Food
Bear in mind, that Dachshunds are prone to obesity. More than normal health reasons, obese dogs can strain or injure their long back. This can further damage or rupture discs.
Feed him only best quality dry kibble. Avoid table scraps completely if possible. Never feed cooked bones and other high-fat foods.
Dachshunds are instinctively natural hound dogs. Make sure no food is kept outside other than their daily requirement.
당신은 개를 소유하고 있습니까? 질문하세요! 사모예드 견종 원산지: 시베리아 크기: 중대형 개 품종 그룹: 워킹 그룹 순종: 예 수명: 12-14세 키: 남성 – 21-23.5인치, 여성 – 19-21인치 무게: 남성 – 45-65파운드 및 여성 – 35 – 50파운드 코트 모양: 이중 코팅 코트 색상: 모든 비스킷, 크림, 흰색 및 비스킷, 순백색 기질: 보수적이지만 애정이 넘치고 봉사할 준비가 되어 있으며 행동이 풍부하고 똑똑하고 적응력이 뛰어나고 충성스럽고 온화하고 총명합니다. 어린이와 잘 함: 예 지능
Schipperke 품종 특성 시트 원산지: 벨기에 크기: 작은 개 품종 그룹: Herding Dogs(FCI), Non-Sporting(AKC, KC, CKC), Companion Breed(UKC) 순종: 예 수명: 13-15세 키: 수컷:11~13인치(27~33cm), 암컷:10~12인치(25~30cm) 무게: 수컷:5~8kg(12~16파운드) 및 암컷:5~7kg(11~15파운드) 코트 모양: 다양한 길이의 두꺼운 이중 코트 코트 색상: 블랙 기질: 경계심, 다정함, 용감함, 충성심, 활발함, 근면함, 지능